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Showing posts from October, 2019

Targeted Work Class

Targeted Work Class Write a four to seven page paper that: Describes the results of your assessment of the work processes and key employees to be addressed in your final paper. Discusses how the organization will change while meeting its strategic challenges in the future. Includes what kinds of workers will be needed; what knowledge, skills, and abilities will be appropriate; what is the compensation system and is it reflective of the market’s conditions? In addition to the requirements above, your paper: Must be double-spaced and 12 point font Must be formatted according to APA style Must include an introductory paragraph with a thesis statement Must conclude with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph Must reference two scholarly resources Must include a reference page written in APA format     Click here for more on this paper ……. Click here to have a similar A+ quality paper done for you by one of our writers within the set deadline at a discount

Recreation and Leisure.

Write summary on article on Recreation and Leisure. Must have to summarys on two different articles longer that 4 sentences Only two paragraphs MLA Format these are following articles can choose from If decide to write on this topic, how can houston get others to come to skate park and how will it affect others ,8599,1549394,00.html     Click here for more on this paper ……. Click here to have a similar A+ quality paper done for you by one of our writers within the set deadline at a discounted Assignment status :  Solved by our Writing Team at MAKE YOUR ORDER

Visual Literacy in Business

When considering magazines like National Geographic, or social media like Pinterest, it becomes evident that photography plays an instrumental role in visual communication. However, creating an impactful photograph is not always easy. Your textbook explains the importance of design and composition in successful photography. For this discussion, locate a photograph (either on the Web or in print) that strategically uses at least three elements of design (e.g., balance, color, asymmetry, etc.). Then, paste a link to the photograph (or, if it is in print, upload a scanned copy to the discussion forum or the web), and explain which elements are utilized, and how they affect the overall impact and message of the photograph. Click here for more on this paper ……. Click here to have a similar A+ quality paper done for you by one of our writers within the set deadline at a discounted Possible Resources 13 Photographs That Changed the World   (


My Topic People Should not Use Facebook, APA Format, 13 Pages, 6 Annotatedbibliography and include References. Click here for more on this paper ……. Click here to have a similar A+ quality paper done for you by one of our writers within the set deadline at a discounted Assignment status :  Solved by our Writing Team at MAKE YOUR ORDER

Components of Course Evaluation

Final Paper Preparation This assignment will prepare you for the Final Paper by initiating the research process and helping you map out specific events and developments which you will explore in depth in your paper.  Review  the instructions for the Final Paper laid out in Week Five of the online course or the Components of Course Evaluation section of the Course Guide before beginning this project. Note, that for the Final Paper you will need to discuss at least six specific events or developments related to your chosen topic For this assignment, you will choose your topic and the six (or more) related events and developments that span the years 1865 to the present. You will then find one scholarly source related to each event or development plus two additional scholarly sources for a total of 8 scholarly sources in addition to your textbook. At least four of your scholarly sources must come from the Ashford Library and at least two of your sources must be primary sources. Primary s

Impacts of Unethical Behavior

CheckPoint Impacts of Unethical Behavior Research  a company that has been in the news for unethical practices, such as Enron, Tyco, Global Crossing, or WorldCom. Post  a 250- to 300-word response that summarizes your ideas about the following:   What was the nature of the controversy regarding this company’s practices? How were accounting practices involved? If you had been an accountant for this company, how would you have acted? Explain why. What might have been done to prevent the controversy? What was the affect of unethical behavior on the profitability of the company?   Click here for more on this paper ……. Click here to have a similar A+ quality paper done for you by one of our writers within the set deadline at a discounted Assignment status :  Solved by our Writing Team at MAKE YOUR ORDER

Organizational and Employee

Currently working in a field outside of HR or planning on pursuing a field outside of HR: In APA style write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. Organizational and Employee Development: What did you discover from your exploration Has learning about this discipline changed how you view your current or future career? Why or Why not? What is one thing you learned from your exploration that can be applied to your current or future career? Click here for more on this paper ……. Click here to have a similar A+ quality paper done for you by one of our writers within the set deadline at a discounted Assignment status :  Solved by our Writing Team at MAKE YOUR ORDER

Court administration

You have just been appointed as the new court administrator for a medium-sized court system with approximately 75 employees and 5 full-time courts. This is a new position for the courts. In the past, each individual court has primarily managed itself, except for the employee hiring process, which was completed through the County Human Resource Division. Upon taking your post, you quickly find out that none of the courts seem to be willing to cooperate with each other—or, for that matter, any of the other various county offices, such as the County Clerk’s Office and the District Attorney’s Office. Rumors and gossip about mismanagement abound, and the communications process between the five courts appears to be at a standstill. The courts currently have a huge backlog of cases awaiting trial, and in addition, employee morale is low and the turnover rate is high. In your groups, discuss how you would respond to this organizational problem and the following points: Which problem should

The following spreadsheet shows an organizational chart for a small company that provides computer help desk services over the telephone. The company has a number of general and administrative personnel and two levels of telephone support. Customer service representatives (CSRs) are the first to receive initial telephone support calls. If the CSR is unable to solve the problem, the call is passed to a software analyst who is more skilled than the CSRs to handle more complex questions.

The following spreadsheet shows an organizational chart for a small company that provides computer help desk services over the telephone. The company has a number of general and administrative personnel and two levels of telephone support. Customer service representatives (CSRs) are the first to receive initial telephone support calls. If the CSR is unable to solve the problem, the call is passed to a software analyst who is more skilled than the CSRs to handle more complex questions. To make the data understandable to a computer, it needs to be given more structure than it currently has. If you choose rows and columns to hold related information and then fill in the blanks, the computer will be able to process the data with speed and efficiency. Part I:  Perform the following operations using the worksheet provided: Make a duplicate of the worksheet called “Report,” and save it using the following naming scheme: FirstInitialLastName_week1IPa (e.g., MRogers_week1IPa.xls). Make the

Compare and contrast the similarities and differences among skill-based pay-for-knowledge and competency-based pay plans.

All work must be orginal        There is a total of 2 Assignments here   The 1st Assignment is  500 word essay due Monday 12:00 noon   Compare and contrast the similarities and differences among skill-based pay-for-knowledge and competency-based pay plans. Your response should be at least 500 words in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.       Click here for more on this paper ……. Click here to have a similar A+ quality paper done for you by one of our writers within the set deadline at a discounted The 2nd Assignment is    Unit V Mini Project – This Assignment must be (2) pages long is due by Monday 12:00 noon     A hot topic in organizations is the development and use of teams within the organization, particularly self-managed work teams. A reason frequently cited for support of

Cognitive bias

Choose two types of cognitive bias and explain how they inhibit critical thought. Demonstrate how you would use critical thinking to overcome cognitive bias in online learning to ensure academic success. Click here for more on this paper ……. Click here to have a similar A+ quality paper done for you by one of our writers within the set deadline at a discounted Assignment status :  Solved by our Writing Team at MAKE YOUR ORDER

Different types of teams found in the workplace

There are many different types of teams found in the workplace. However, no matter what label is assigned to the team, there are still fundamentals that make the team successful. The highest performing team is committed to a common goal and purpose as well as each individual’s success and personal growth. With that in mind, consider the following question that you get from a protégé you are mentoring:   We have various work groups on the plant floor. Some seem to work better together than others. Why is that? Use the library and Internet to research this topic so you can answer the question. Click here for more on this paper ……. Click here to have a similar A+ quality paper done for you by one of our writers within the set deadline at a discounted Assignment status :  Solved by our Writing Team at MAKE YOUR ORDER

Team Leader

Imagine that you are the team leader for a project at work. Your team has been assigned with opening a new market in Canada. A few items have been shipped already, but the delivery time is too long because of what appears to be paperwork problems with customs. You have already received complaints from your representatives. This problem needs to be resolved quickly, or the company will be placed in a difficult position and may lose the opportunity to be successful in opening this market. With this situation in mind, address the following:   Write a memo to attach to the agenda for a team meeting. State the issues you know of. Request that the team members come with ideas so this problem can be resolved at the meeting and implemented immediately. Click here for more on this paper ……. Click here to have a similar A+ quality paper done for you by one of our writers within the set deadline at a discounted Assignment status :  Solved by our Writing Team at MAKE

risk management tools and techniques from forward contracts, future contracts, and derivatives.

repare  written responses to the  Mini Case  problems from the text below:   Prepare  a 350 word summary in which you compare and contrast at least two risk management tools and techniques from forward contracts, future contracts, and derivatives.   Make  a recommendation to management about which technique is most appropriate from a risk management standpoint. Support your findings by including answers and rationale from the Mini Case. Click here for more on this paper ……. Click here to have a similar A+ quality paper done for you by one of our writers within the set deadline at a discounted Mini Case For your job as the business reporter for a local newspaper, you are asked to put together a series of articles on multinational finance and the international currency markets for your readers. Much recent local press coverage has been given to losses in the foreign exchange markets by JGAR, a local firm that is the subsidiary of Daedlufetarg, a large German manufacturing firm.

difference between Ellis Island and Angel Island

Explain the difference between Ellis Island and Angel Island. If you were an immigrant, which would you prefer to be housed? Explain your response.       What is meant by the term “brain drain?” What influence does brain drain have on immigration? Explain your response Click here for more on this paper ……. Click here to have a similar A+ quality paper done for you by one of our writers within the set deadline at a discounted Assignment status :  Solved by our Writing Team at MAKE YOUR ORDER

Hunter-Worth: Critical Analysis of Communication Breakdown and Cultural Disconnect (Focus Paper)

Number of Pages:  4 (Double Spaced) Writing Style:  APA Number of sources:  4 Assignment 2: Hunter-Worth: Critical Analysis of Communication Breakdown and Cultural Disconnect (Focus Paper) To begin this Assignment, it is important to read two related resources in which you will gain valuable insights as you write your paper. The first resource is to complete the “Personal Assessment of Communication Apprehension Exercise” on page 503 – 504 in the Daft textbook. Calculate and record your score according to the instructions. Your own score is an assessment about your level of comfort in various communication situations. In the paper, you will apply what you learned from the “Personal Assessment of Communication Apprehension Exercise” to address the Hunter-Worth Case. As you review the case, think about the communication apprehension of the individuals in the case. The second resource is to read the journal article – “Thinking of a plant in Mexico?” In this article you will discover

FBI initiation of operation of the Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS)

In 1999, the FBI initiated operation of the Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS). This database contains approximately 50 million fingerprint records and links state AFIS computers. In this assignment, you will examine the use of the IAFIS system regarding efficacy, constitutionality, and any benefits or advantages.   Assignment Guidelines In 7 paragraphs words, address the following: In your own words, what is the Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS)? In your own words, what are the steps for utilizing the IAFIS? Explain. What advantages do you think are realized through the use of IAFIS? Explain. What disadvantages might the system pose for crime scene investigators? Explain. Do you feel that it is ethical to use an automated system to compare crime scene fingerprints with those in a database? Is it constitutional? Why or why not? Explain your rationale. Is there any potential for abuse of the system? Why or why not? Expla

Environmental Issues and the Industrial Revolution

Assignment 3: Environmental Issues and the Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution, which began in the eighteenth century, has had an ongoing influence on society as well as the relationship between humans and their environment. With the onset of industrialization came the drastic increase in urbanization, setting up of factories in places which were once biomes, and the rapid development of land. All this occurred without assessing the long-term impact to the environment. Recognizing the importance of the Industrial Revolution era and the ongoing impact it has had on the environment is essential to learning how to help the environment and correct the damage of that era. Using the readings for this module, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, complete the following: Identify three of the most environmentally negative impacts of the Industrial Revolution and justify your choices. For example, the invention of the automobile revolutionized travel

Differences between the political process of negotiation and compromise

Discussion 1: “ Policy ” Please respond to the following: Give your opinion on the major differences between the political process of negotiation and compromise. Support your response with two (2) specific examples that illustrate these differences. From the first e-Activity, evaluate the extent to which the author uses normative and / or positive arguments. Provide two (2) specific examples from the article to support your rationale. Week 1 eActivity Go to the Economic Policy Institute’s Website and read the article titled, “Is There Really a Shortage of Skilled Workers?” located at . Be prepared to discuss. Go to NPR’s Website and read the article titled, “Policy Making by Pen: Obama’s New Twist On Old Strategy,” located at . Be prepared to discuss.   Click here for more on this paper ……. Click here t

The reconstruction of a crime scene is an effort between law enforcement, forensic specialists and experts, medical personnel, and criminalists.

The reconstruction of a crime scene is an effort between law enforcement, forensic specialists and experts, medical personnel, and criminalists. However, there are limitations and cautions that need to be considered.   Assignment Guidelines In 7 paragraphs, address the following: In your own words   1)      What is the purpose of crime scene reconstruction? Explain. 2)      Who do think should be responsible for reconstructing the crime scene? Explain. 3)      When do you think it is plausible to reconstruct the crime scene? Explain. 4)      What do you think are the 2 most important elements in crime scene reconstruction? Explain why. 5)      What challenges exist regarding the use of crime scene reconstruction as evidence in court? Explain. 6)      What might be done to ensure that these challenges are avoided? 7)      What legal issues do you think are most significant regarding crime scene reconstruction? Explain. Click here for more on this paper ……. Click here to hav

Evolution of American foreign polic

Background:  In 1938, in Munich, the British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain made a deal with Adolph Hitler allowing Nazi Germany to annex Czechoslovakia’s Sudetenland. Hailed as a hero for his diplomacy at the time, Chamberlain is now widely reviled for his policy of “appeasement” to Nazi aggression. Yet one year later, Chamberlain led Britain into war against Germany in defense of Poland once it became clear that appeasement had failed. By contrast, the US did little to halt Hitler’s initial expansion, and entered into the war only gradually, attempting, until attacked directly, to sway the outcome without going to war itself. Never again would the US remain so aloof for so long from such a momentous international affair. As such, the Second World War represents a turning point in American foreign affairs, and it is perhaps hard for us to understand why the US took so long to take effective action against the Axis Powers. Resources:  In your response, draw from material from AT L

Nuclear medicine

Nuclear medicine is a specialized branch of modern medicine that exploits the process of radioactivity for imaging, diagnosis, and treatment. Many imaging techniques inject small amounts of radioactive material into the body, which are then tracked by a sensing device specific to the type of radiation emitted from that material. Radiation has also been used to destroy diseased tissue, typically beyond the reach of standard surgical techniques. Using the readings for this module, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, write a paper on nuclear medicine. Address the following: Explain the scientific and technical concepts related to nuclear medicine. Consider the following questions when you construct your response: What type of radiation is typically exploited in most nuclear medicine procedures? How are patients prepared for nuclear medicine procedures? What are the advantages and limitations of nuclear medicine? What ailments are typically diagnosed an

Ethical (Moral) Relativism

In America, many are comfortable describing ethics as follows: “Well, what’s right for me is right for me and what’s right for you is right for you. Let’s just agree to disagree.” This is an affirmation of what philosophers call individual  or  subjective moral relativism . In this understanding of relativism, morality is a matter of individual feelings and personal preference. In individual moral relativism, the determination of what is right and wrong in a situation varies according to the individual. Moral relativists do not believe in natural law or universal truths. Cultural moral relativism  puts culture at the forefront of relative ethical decision-making.  It says the individual must include the precepts of his or her culture as a prominent part of the relativistic moral action. Lawrence  Kohlberg,  a prominent psychologist known for recognizing moral stages of development, takes it a step farther saying cultural relativists are persons stuck in the “ Conventional  Stage” of

Business law

        Instructions : Instructions Will NOT appear under future  Modules, but the topic question will be updated each week (Instructions also listed under Syllabus, Part III, Prospectus)       The “Discussion Question” exercises are for the purpose of integrating textbook materials with that of the other assigned materials for this class on a per Module basis.   An important aspect of this Module Discussion is an additional exercise in preparation for the Midterm and Final   Participation in the Discussion Question is a required assignment for all Modules.  Go to Blackboard on the CSUB Home Page ( ) and CLICK on Runner Courses (Blackboard).  You will sign in to the class and go to Discussion Board for the Discussion Question .  You will find a threaded bulletin board for each Module.  This means that in addition to the Discussion you may also reply to your classmates’ answers. An asynchronous format will be followed allowing “in-put” at any time d

determining the main clause and the subordinate clause.

Analyze the sentence to determine the main clause and the subordinate clause. Then choose the function of the subordinate clause.   The man who wrote this new and popular book autographed copies of it at the bookstore. Main clause: The man who wrote this new and popular book autographed copies  of it at the bookstoreThe man autographed copies of itThe man who wrote this new and popular bookThe man autographed copies of it at the bookstore Subordinate clause: who wrote thisThe man who wrote this new and popular bookwho wrote this new and popular book autographed copies of it at the bookstorewho wrote this new and popular book Subordinate clause functions as a(n): nounadverbadjective Click here for more on this paper ……. Click here to have a similar A+ quality paper done for you by one of our writers within the set deadline at a discounted Assignment status :  Solved by our Writing Team at MAKE YOUR ORDER

differences between each of the following court systems and its role in the government or the difference between courts: criminal civil trial appeals courts of last resort courts of general jurisdiction courts of specific jurisdiction

Your supervisor asks you to lead a team of paralegals in the office in a project to prepare a public service PowerPoint presentation to the community explaining the differences between each of the following court systems and its role in the government or the difference between courts: criminal civil trial appeals courts of last resort courts of general jurisdiction courts of specific jurisdiction Assignment Guidelines: Each student should prepare 5-6 PowerPoint slides (including speakers notes) covering all of the topics above for inclusion in the presentation. Please note that your “cover” slide and the slide containing your list of references do not counted in the 5-6 PowerPoint slides deliverable Do not forget to include APA citation and references for your work. Click here for more on this paper ……. Click here to have a similar A+ quality paper done for you by one of our writers within the set deadline at a discounted Assignment status :  Solved by our Writing

Global Business Today – The Hofstede Study

Assignment 1: Global Business Today – The Hofstede Study Refer to Hofstede model in Chapter 4 of the textbook and the Global Business Today Interaction, and complete this assignment. Note: the Global Business Today Interaction can be found in the online course shell. Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you: Create a problem statement for the client, Azure Sky Tea, based on the Hofstede model. Classify possible combinations of countries for location of the Azure Sky Tea’s offices based on the Hofstede model. Include a discussion of the home country’s (U.S.) relative position on the Hofstede scales as compared to other countries. Note: Utilize the Hofsetede module to include all parameters (i.e., individualism, uncertainty, power distance, masculinity) for the classification. Choose two (2) countries as potential locations for the Azure Sky Tea’s new international offices. Next, develop a set of specific recommendations for the company. In your recommendations: Include

Michael Sandel’s book

Read  Introuduction and Chapter 1 .  And answer Following questions.   For Introuction:   Michael Sandel’s book will argue, amongst other claims, that market values have infiltrated our lives to the point that we wonder whether there is anything that (1) cannot have a price and/or (2) does have a price, but should not. The introduction tries to provide some brief historical context for the book, which only came out in 2012. Can you clarify features of this historical context from roughly the early 1980′s to the present? Consider bringing in as many ideas from outside the book, including personal experiences, news stories, or other evidence, that bears upon our discussion. Likewise, in the introduction, it’s key to understand Sandel’s claim about a transition from a market economy to a market society, as well as reinvigorating a hollow public discourse, so feel free to help explain these. For Chapter 1   Let’s start here. Sandel pits two norms against each other in chapter 1, t

Strategic Business Marketing

Many businesses would like to get inside the minds of their customers to know what they are thinking. This can be accomplished through understanding the factors that influence consumer buying behavior. Follow these three steps to complete this Discussion question: Step 1: Go to the Strategic Business Insights® website and take the VALS® Survey by copying and pasting this URL into your web browser: Step 2. Choose a car manufacturing company from the list and visit the company’s website to conduct an information search and evaluate the alternatives of the complete product offering. Toyota Kia Motors Hyundai Ford General Motors Renault   Step 3. Answer the following questions pertaining to consumer decision making: Based on the information you gathered and alternatives available on the company website you explored, which vehicle offering seems to be the most relevant to your needs? Explain why? Using

First World War

Background:  When the First World War ended, Americans welcomed what they hoped would be a “return to normalcy.” The decades that followed, however, are ones which would rarely be described as normal in comparison to what came before or after. During these decades, a struggle ensued within the American nation regarding how best to define the nation’s essential character, as groups like the revived Ku Klux Klan fought a rearguard action to define nationhood solely in terms of white skin and Protestant religion against secularists, Catholics, flappers, “New Negroes,” and others who challenged the traditional order. Immediately thereafter, the New Deal implemented in response to the Great Depression revolutionized the role of the federal government in lives of the American people, in ways that many Americans believed violated the basic tenets of the Constitution—and others believed were not radical enough. Taken together, the decades from 1920 to 1940 may have transformed the American nat

Ellen Johanston poem

I want two pages i attach the pome   1-theme: Start with a statement of the poem’s theme. No introductory paragraph     2- Comment on relevance of title of the poem to the theme.   3- Technique: point of view that gives the pome its form   4-Critics’Commentaries on the poem or (if none is available) on the poet is required. A minimum of two critics, A book and an internet source, is preferred.   5-Your Response to Critics: ought to be supported by references to the poem Click here for more on this paper ……. Click here to have a similar A+ quality paper done for you by one of our writers within the set deadline at a discounted Assignment status :  Solved by our Writing Team at MAKE YOUR ORDER

Differences between bureaucratic and decentralized control

Minimum 4 sentences per question. No plagarism, please include references used. Due by Wednesday night at Midnight Pacific Standard time.   1.) Describe the differences between bureaucratic and decentralized control. Which do you believe is most effective in the management of an organization? Explain. Give one advantage and one disadvantage of each.   2.) Identify and explain one system that provides applications within an organization. What do you believe are some of the benefits and drawbacks of the system? Give an example of the system other than the examples in the text. Click here for more on this paper ……. Click here to have a similar A+ quality paper done for you by one of our writers within the set deadline at a discounted Assignment status :  Solved by our Writing Team at MAKE YOUR ORDER

Elements of an ERP system

What are the elements of an ERP system? Your response should be at least 200 words in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.   Kroenke, D. (2013 ). The Importance of MIS. Using MIS  (pp. 227-229, 232-234, 235-237,240-242). Upper Saddle River: Pearson Learning Solutions. Click here for more on this paper ……. Click here to have a similar A+ quality paper done for you by one of our writers within the set deadline at a discounted Assignment status :  Solved by our Writing Team at MAKE YOUR ORDER

Wilson’s Fourteen Points

Identify and discuss three of Wilson’s Fourteen Points. Were these points fair to all parties or willingly accepted? Your response should be at least 200 words in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.   Levack, B., Muir, E., & Veldman, M., (2011).  The West: Vol. 2. Encounters & transformations: Since 1550  (3 rd ed., pp. 813-816). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. Click here for more on this paper ……. Click here to have a similar A+ quality paper done for you by one of our writers within the set deadline at a discounted Assignment status :  Solved by our Writing Team at MAKE YOUR ORDER

Russia’s revolutions in March and November of 1917.

Describe Russia’s revolutions in March and November of 1917. Your response should be at least 200 words in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.   Levack, B., Muir, E., & Veldman, M., (2011).  The West: Vol. 2. Encounters & transformations: Since 1550  (3 rd ed., pp. 807-809). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. Click here for more on this paper ……. Click here to have a similar A+ quality paper done for you by one of our writers within the set deadline at a discounted Assignment status :  Solved by our Writing Team at MAKE YOUR ORDER