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Showing posts from November, 2020

Development of clinical leadership

  Appendix II – Marking Criteria for Assessment 3 Criteria 0-2.5 Marks 2.5-5 Marks 5-7.5 Marks 7.5-10 Marks Total Definition of clinical leadership Insufficient explanation of clinical leadership and/or does not reference relative literature. Sound discussion of clinical leadership. Includes definition & description, could have been improved. Good discussion of clinical leadership including definition, description and attributes. Relevance could have been stronger. Exemplary discussion of clinical leadership including definition, description and attributes. Excellent use of theoretical concepts to support discussion which were well supported by evidence. …./10 Moral courage Poorly describes moral courage in the context of clinical leadership and/or does not reference relative literature Sound description of moral courage and clinical leadership. Some areas could be improved. Good description of moral courage and clinical leadership Good use of theoretical concepts to support discus

Toseland & Rivas (2017) state that conflict is a normal part of working in groups and if dealt with effectively

  Critical reflection paper: Weighting: 70% of reflection assignment Length: 1,500 words Reflection and evaluation is essential when working in groups. This assignment facilitates your reflection on multiple aspects of group work. Use the 3 headings in bold below to structure your assignment. Please include a short introduction and conclusion (of approximately 100 words each). 1. Working as part of a team (approx 475 words)- What did you enjoy/ not enjoy? What are your strengths when working as part of a team? What did you find difficult/ areas for further improvement? 2. Planning a group (approx 375 words)- What did you enjoy/ not enjoy? What worked well, what could have been done differently and why? 3. Facilitating a group (approx 450 words) - What worked well, what could have been done differently and why? As a leader, what are your strengths and areas for further improvement? It is important that your paper provides a critical reflection on your experience of working in, planning

Develop a security Infrastructure for a Medium-Size Network

  ITNE2005 Develop a security Infrastructure for a Medium-Size Network Assignment Objective(s) This assessment item relates to the unit learning outcomes as in the unit descriptor. This assessment is designed to evaluate student’s ability on working with the routers, firewalls and VPN tunnels and adopting those technologies in enterprise level networks. The following ULOs are assessed in this assent assessment. LO 1 Explain network security issues and develop a comprehensive network security policy to counter threats against information security LO 2 Analyse and configure routers on the network perimeter with router software security features LO 3 Evaluate and configure firewall protocols and features to perform basic security operations on a network LO 4 Critically review the enterprise network requirements and configure site-to-site virtual private networks using standard router software features LO 5 Analyse the enterprise security requirements and configure intrusion prevention sys