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MGT8031 — Global issues in employment relations

MGT8031 — Global issues in employment relations MGT8031 — Global issues in employment relations Assignment 2 Description Marks out of Wtg(%) Due date Annotated bibliography 100 45% 13 September 2017 Length: 2300 – 2500 words (+/- 10%) ? The left and right hand margins of your assignment should be 2.5cm wide and the top and bottom margins are also 2.5cm. ? Use a font size of 12 points. Assignment question Construct an annotated bibliography which analyses a particular employment relations issue from one of the following countries: Australia, Japan or Germany (Choose only one country). How to approach this assignment ? Choose a topic (see information below) ? Select four (4) journal articles (these are also called citations in the instructions) based on the topic. These should be from the period 2006 to present. If your sources are older you need to justify why you have chosen them. You will be assessed on the relevance of your sources. ? Read these articles thoroughly and su

MGT8031 — Global issues in employment relations

MGT8031 — Global issues in employment relations Assignment 2 Description Marks out of Wtg(%) Due date Annotated bibliography 100 45% 13 September 2017 Length: 2300 – 2500 words (+/- 10%) ? The left and right hand margins of your assignment should be 2.5cm wide and the top and bottom margins are also 2.5cm. ? Use a font size of 12 points. Assignment question Construct an annotated bibliography which analyses a particular employment relations issue from one of the following countries: Australia, Japan or Germany (Choose only one country). How to approach this assignment ? Choose a topic (see information below) ? Select four (4) journal articles (these are also called citations in the instructions) based on the topic. These should be from the period 2006 to present. If your sources are older you need to justify why you have chosen them. You will be assessed on the relevance of your sources. ? Read these articles thoroughly and summarise the information required for the annotat

Topics 1 & 2: Consolidation: Principles, accounting requirements and intra-group transactions

Topics 1 & 2: Consolidation: Principles, accounting requirements and intra-group transactions On 1 July 2015, Peace Ltd acquired all the shares of Sublime Ltd. At this date, the equity and liability sections of Sublime Ltd’s statement of financial position comprised of the following items: $ Share capital (30 000 shares) 30 000 Retained earnings 10 500 General reserve 15 000 Other reserves 3 000 At acquisition date, all the identifiable assets and liabilities of Sublime Ltd were recorded at amounts equal to fair value except for: Carrying amount Fair value $ $ Inventory 25 000 28 000 Equipment (cost $15 000) 12 000 16 000 Machinery (cost $8 500) 7 500 8 000 Land 9 240 12 240 The inventory on hand in Sublime Ltd at 1 July 2015 was sold during September 2015. The machinery which had a further 5-year life on acquisition date was sold on 1 January 2017. The land on hand at acquisition date was sold by 1 March 2016. The equipment was estimated to have a further 8-year lif

Assessment Item 1 Description/Focus: Essay- critical evaluation comparing and contrasting motivational concepts and their application.

Assessment Item 1 Description/Focus: Essay- critical evaluation comparing and contrasting motivational concepts and their application. Value: 40% Due date: Week 7, Friday, Midnight (CST Darwin time) Length: 2500-3500 words Task: Critically evaluate the use of key motivational theories in increasing employee engagement. In your answer use examples to support your arguments and consider the practical application of the theories relative to improving employee engagement within the organisation. Presentation: • Assignments are to be typed, 1.5 spacing between lines, and 12-point font • Students are to use the CDU Harvard referencing system, available at • In-text citations are included in the word limit. The reference list at the end of the essay is not included in the word limit. Assessment criteria: Please view rubric on learnline CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER………………………NO PLAGIARISM Get 100% Original papers from the writing experts CLICK HERE TO GET

Markets segments and decision making

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The new auditing standard ASA701 Communicating Key Audit Matters in the Independent Auditor’s Report is developed in the wake of the global financial crisis

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