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Euthanasia & Aristotle

 Choose one of the following topics to respond to for your initial post. Indicate your last name and chosen topic in the title of your post. Contribute at least two peer responses to include a response to both: A learner who has posted a contrary view on the topic you selected A learner who has posted on the topic you did not select Requirements: Your initial post should be at least 250 words. Responses should be a minimum of 100 words and include direct questions. See the syllabus for assignment requirements and grading criteria, and be sure to list your source if you use one. Initial Post Due: Thursday, by 11:55 p.m., ET Responses Due: Sunday, by 11:55 p.m., ET Topic A: Euthanasia Do you think that voluntariness is morally important in euthanasia decisions? How important do you think that it is? For example, do you think that it is so important that whatever a person requests ought to be done? Explain. Does your conclusion regard the morality or also the legality of

Suppose that due to increased drug addiction in the United States, consumer's preferences shift toward more leisure and less consumption goods. Using the intertemporal model, what are the impacts on the following:

Question Suppose that due to increased drug addiction in the United States, consumer's preferences shift toward more leisure and less consumption goods . Using the intertemporal model, what are the impacts on the following: a) Output supply (increase / decrease / indeterminate / no change)? b) Output demand (increase / decrease / indeterminate / no change)? c) Labor supply: Direct effect (increase / decrease / indeterminate / no change)? d) Labor supply: Interest rate effect (increase / decrease / indeterminate / no change)? e) Labor demand (increase / decrease / indeterminate / no change)? f) Output (increase / decrease / indeterminate / no change)? g) Interest rates (increase / decrease / indeterminate / no change)? h) Employment, assuming direct effects dominate (increase / decrease / indeterminate / no change)? i) Wages, assuming direct effects dominate (increase / decrease / indeterminate / no change)? Assignment status :  Resolved by our

Economic Justice & A "Perfect" Science Choose one of the following topics to respond to for your initial post

Economic Justice & A "Perfect" Science Choose one of the following topics to respond to for your initial post. Indicate your last name and chosen topic in the title of your post. Contribute at least two peer responses to include a response to both: A learner who has posted a contrary view on the topic you selected A learner who has posted on the topic you did not select Requirements: Your initial post should be at least 250 words. Responses should be a minimum of 100 words and include direct questions. See the syllabus for assignment requirements and grading criteria, and be sure to list your source if you use one. Initial Post Due: Thursday, by 11:55 p.m., ET Responses Due: Sunday, by 11:55 p.m., ET Topic A: Economic Justice Do you think that there should be equal opportunity in a just society? What would you mean by this phrase? Do you think that it is a realizable ideal? Describe John Stuart Mill’s concept of utilitarianism. Do you see any advantages

Why do people become addicted to alcohol, tobacco and other drugs (ATOD)?

Reflection Paper: Addiction and Theories Ksir, C., Hart, C., Ray,O. Drugs, Society and Human Behavior , Twelfth Edition. McGraw Hill Publisher Read Chapter 2 of the text, note the definitions and the major theories about how drug use leads to drug abuse/addiction. What is your favorite theory(s) of Addiction? Why do people become addicted to alcohol, tobacco and other drugs (ATOD)? Write a definition of addiction/dependency: Nature of addiction/dependency – etiology: what happens to a person who is addicted/dependent on ATOD (See also chapter 1 “Drug Dependence” and “Stages of Drug Dependence”; Chapter 2 “The vicious Cycle of Drug Addiction) Bio-Psycho-Social Model: write your favorite explanations of why someone might become addicted to AOD, based on specific theories in each of the following categories Biological causes/factors of addiction/dependency Psychological causes/factors of addiction/dependency Social causes/factors of addiction/dependency The

For-Profit Press (News) Conference:

Option 2: For-Profit Press (News) Conference:  (The company is Microsoft Corporation and the conference is for the release of a new product Xbox Retro, that will allow xbox players to play games on any xbox device) You will be holding a news (press) conference announcing your for-profit’s campaign. This assignment involves two parts. A written submission A 2-3 minute video of your initial presentation for the press conference ( I'll be conducting this myself) For your written submission, answer the following questions: Where will the press conference be held? (It should involve minimum travel time.) When will the conference be held (date and time)? Which media outlets will you invite to the press conference? (Be specific in your list—i.e., newspapers—The Chicago Tribune, The Sun-Times ;  radio stations—WIDN and WBBM; and television stations—WBBM-TV, WMAO-TB, WLS-TV, and WTTW (PBS).) Describe what will be in your  media kit  to hand out to the v

What Makes a Region a Region? Region:The Middle East

This worksheet activity provides an opportunity for you to engage deeply with a specific geographic region by analyzing the fundamental themes of geography that characterize that region. To complete this assignment, review the Worksheet Template Guidelines and Rubric document and complete the following steps: Use the Themes of Geography resource and the required resources in this module to specifically discuss the criteria used to identify the realms (or regions) and subregions. Use the Worksheet Template Guidelines and Rubric document and select a region from the below to address the questions related to geographic themes in the worksheet. The Middle East This work needs to be done by Saturday morning with APA references Assignment status :  Resolved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS   NO PLAGIARISM

Transtheoretical Model

Stages of Change Application The Stages of Change Model (also referred to as the “Transtheoretical Model” or “TTM”) is a widely accepted and empirically supported process construct that describes both the manner and mechanisms of change. It is not a substitute for treatment theory, but rather an overlay to a chosen clinical approach that can aid the counselor in client conceptualization and effective treatment delivery. It can also help clinicians adapt interventions to align with the client’s stage in the change process and offers insights into how to enhance motivation and engagement. In this Assignment, you will analyze the Stages of Change Model and how you can operationalize it as an overlay to your own preferred treatment theory. Complete a 3- to 4-page paper in which you do the following: Provide an overview of the stages of change model. Include ways to determine a client’s stage in the change process. Identify at least one challenge and o