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speed of rotation of the generator

  (i) A 420 V, 50 Hz, star connected, the four-pole synchronous generator has a synchronous reactance of 0.1 Ω and an armature resistance of 0.013 Ω. At full load, the machine supplies 950 A at 0.85 PF lagging. Find  a) the speed of rotation of the generator.  (1 Mark) b) three-phase power the generator supplying at full load?  (1 Mark) c) If the machine is working at 60 percentage of full load at a power factor of 0.85 lagging, Find the % voltage regulation?  (1 Mark) d) If the machine is working at 70 percentage of full load at a power factor of 0.85 leading, Find the voltage generated?  (1 Mark) (ii) An armature of a three-phase alternator has 120 slots. The alternators have 6 poles. Calculate  a) β angle in radians (1 Mark) b) Distribution factor  (2 Mark) A three-phase star-connected alternator working at 1400 KVA,50 Hz,2100 V, has an armature dc resistance of 0.12 Ω. Assume the ac resistance is 1.5 times the dc resistance. A field current of 75 A produces a short circuit current

Dr. King's leadership, charisma, power and passion to capture his audience to Alicia Garza's speech.

  Read/review the following resources for this activity: · Textbook: Chapter 7, 8 · Lesson 3 · APA style manual · Citation and Writing Assistance: Writing Papers At CU · Library Overview · How to Search for Articles - the Everything Tab Instructions Social Movements are only as important as the person leading them. The person(s) leading a social movement must have charisma and be able to captivate an audience. Political scientists and historians are taught to analyze body language, especially during debates and speeches. For this assignment, you will watch Dr Martin Luther King's    I Have a Dream (Links to an external site.)    speech and a    speech by Alicia Garza of the Black Lives Matter movement (Links to an external site.)    and answer questions listed below. Pay special attention to the following aspects in the two speeches. · Importance of body language while delivering the speech. · Gestures, cadence and delivery style. Answer the following 1. Provide a summary of the tw

The Curious Researcher

  Read the chapter "Generating a Topic" (from a book called The Curious Researcher). 2. Open the document attached here, and follow the instructions within the document. You will see that this document uses the categories from our previous reading text about food culture to help you brainstorm topics for your exploratory essay. 3. After filling out the document, save it to your computer and return to this link, and attach the document as word document or pdf file. GENERATING A TOPIC  (From Curious Researcher, pgs. 27-35) Step 1: Under each title, brainstorm a list of FOODS that come to mind when you think of the topics listed below. Jot down whatever comes to mind even if it only makes sense to you. Feel free to add columns or change the headings in the columns provided. You may need to walk away for a few minutes and then come back to the list. Step 2: Review your lists. Look for a single item in any column that seems promising—maybe the one that is repeated the most. Put it

Best Singapore essay writing services

 Get assignment writing help from the best Singapore essay writing services at ,  Having assignments problems while in college or at the university? Trying to look for expert assignment writing help online to give you a solution on your assignment writing woes? Scared of having fingers pointed at you since you download assignment papers directly from the internet? Are you someone who goes around branding sample assignments and making them seem like your own original work? Never depend on sample online assignment papers available for just any student to download. At  we would like you to take pleasure in our affordable premium-quality assignment writing help. Why us? Simple, we only employ competent writers and academic experts with immense experience in completing and delivering assignments of whatever complexity and discipline. College or University education is vital for people who want to become successful presently. It’s mandatory for stude

Anthrax Scare: Leveraging National Crisis for a Public Relations Bonanza

  After reading the case “Bayer, Ethics, and the Anthrax Scare: Leveraging National Crisis for a Public Relations Bonanza" by Gringarten & Fernández-Calientes, pages 69-79, write a case study using the Case Analysis Outline attached below. The paper is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation, and misspelling. The paper is to be 1000 words in length, current APA style, excluding the title, abstract, and references page. No references are required. CASE ANALYSES (3 pages maximum):Students are to use the Case Analysis Outline – suggested format - in the syllabus (see below) to review each assigned case.I. Case Analysis Outline - Suggested Format(a) Overview of major issues - describe the challenges/problems/issues outlined in the case. This section should be clear and succinct. You can make use of bullet points to describe the issues.(b) Applications of key themes - elaborate what you have learned from the assigned case by directly

Google your name. Discuss various places you found your personal information online

 Instructions  For this assignment, you will write a one-page essay explaining how you present yourself online. Complete both Parts A and B.  Part A: Google your name. Discuss various places you found your personal information online. Did anything surprise you? In what ways can your personal information online influence personal or professional opportunities? How does this illustrate that Goffman’s dramaturgy approach applies to one’s own digital footprint? Note: It is acceptable if you found very little about yourself or found many websites with people with your same name. Just do your best to discuss what resulted when you tried searching your name online.  Part B: Open your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or another online social media networking site. Discuss how Goffman’s theory or view on presentation of self applies to how you present yourself in social media. How does the way you are managing your self-presentation on social networking site

The impact of COVID-19 on impoverished communities in Canada

Department of Sociology and Criminology SOC 1200 Introduction to Sociology For your term 1 essay, you may choose ONE of the following two options: Using your course materials (textbook and audio lectures), 2 academic journal articles and 2 newspaper articles, write an argumentative essay (5-6) pages that discusses the impact of COVID-19 on impoverished communities in Canada. You may use a particular theory to frame your paper or you may instead choose to discuss different sociological perspectives or concepts operating beneath the issue. When building your argument, consider questions such as: How have remote learning, business closures, loss of work, access to vaccination or vaccination sites impacted impoverished peoples? How does this reflect or contradict the sociological perspective(s) you have chosen to write about? How might the issue be explained using sociological concepts such as social stratification, social class, socioeconomic status, an