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Cost Benefit Analysis:

- APA format with a title page, 1-2 pages of content, and a References page if necessary.  - See the DOT’s VSL paper at: - Reference also the Excel spreadsheet in Canvas. - Write an essay justifying a $10,000 investment in a twin axis flight envelope protection system for a Piper Seminole.  - You should explain why this investment is worthwhile, and explain how even a conservative estimate of the effectiveness of this mitigation still results in a safety Return on Investment after [x] years.  You should also describe the DOT's Value of Statistical Life, and the methodology behind this cost/benefit analysis. GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT,  Get Impressive Scores in Your Class CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER TO BE RE-WRITTEN FROM THE SCRATCH GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER TO BE RE-WRITTEN FROM THE SCRA

Flint’s Deadly Water from PBS Frontline

  Flint’s Deadly Water from PBS Frontline (Total viewing time approx. 1 hour).  After watching this week’ documentary and having read “Toxic Communities,” please include: Introduction 1) What 2 main problems were there with the water in Flint, Michigan? How did this happen? 2) What is Legionnaire's Disease? How is it spread? How did people get it? How extensive was/is it? 3) How did local officials behave or react? (Provide at least 2 examples) Why did they react this way? How did state officials behave or react? (Provide at least 2 examples) Why did they react this way? Ultimately were the problems in Flint, MI solved? Why/why not? 4) According to Toxic Communities, identify and explain 3 specific ways Dr. Taylor’s work ties to this case study on Flint, MI.  provide a summary of your reflections/thoughts/feelings about what you read and viewed GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT,  Get Impressive Scores in Your Class CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER TO BE RE-WRITTEN FROM THE SCRATCH GET

The recruiting and onboarding process has changed a lot due to COVID-19

  QUESTION: Read the required reading article nested under chapter 7 in your modules entitled: The recruiting and onboarding process has changed a lot due to COVID-19 READING LINK:- https://peopletalk Short essay  QUESTION: Read the required reading article nested under chapter 7 in your modules entitled: The recruiting and onboarding process has changed a lot due to COVID-19  READING LINK:-   #USE ONLY PROVIDED READING NO OUTSIDE MATERIAL. Select ONE of the four insights in the article. Then, discuss ONE insight that can serve as a guideline and ONE that pause a challenge to any human resource professional managing any small business in the Metro Vancouver area. Focus your discussion on one industry only, especially if you work or have worked in one,  and how the human resource management functions of recruiting, onboarding and training will be specifically affected. Format: Introduction (use in-text citations whe

What are the company’s most important resources and why?

   A company’s resources and capabilities are integral to achieving sustainable competitive advantage. Refer to your Thompson (2022) readings and the required videos. For this assignment, consider a company you worked for or one that you know well. Develop your analysis by responding to the following questions: What are the company’s most important resources and why? What are the company’s most important capabilities and why? How do the company’s most important resources and capabilities create lasting competitive advantage? Relate your response to each of the above to our coursework (Thompson text) from this week. Submission Details:  Your analysis must be driven by facts, research, and data. Your analysis should be between 1000 and 1500 words. Incorporate a minimum of at least our course text and one non-course scholarly/peer reviewed source in your paper. All written assignments must include a coverage page, introductory and concluding paragraphs, reference page, double-spaced and p

What were the main factors that led the Encyclopedia Britannica's board of directors to decide to stop prin2ng it?

  Background Encyclopedia Britannica  is a general knowledge English-language encyclopedia formerly published by Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., and other publishers (for previous edi2ons). The Britannica was the longest running in-print encyclopedia in the English language, being printed for  244 years . The 2010 version of the 15th edi2on, which spans 32 volumes and 32,640 pages, was the last printed edi2on. Explain in detail : What were the main factors that led the Encyclopedia Britannica's board of directors to decide to stop prin2ng it? How did Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc adapted its core business model to the Age of Informa2on? Did they succeed? Has Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. implemented a business or digital transforma2on strategy? What are the implica2ons of this adapta2on to other businesses whose business plans are similar to Encyclopedia Britannica’s? FormaliQes: Font: Arial 12,5 pts. Text alignment: Jus2fied. The in-text References and the Bibliography have to be in

risk coming from inside the organization compared to the risk coming from outside the organization.

  Using a Web search engine, find an article from a reputable source, published within the past six months, that reports on the risk coming from inside the organization compared to the risk coming from outside the organization. If the article notes that this relative risk is changing, how is it changing and to what is the change attributed?   Search your institution’s published documents (or another organization’s), including its Web pages. Locate its values, vision, and/or mission statement, as well as strategic goals. Identify any references to InfoSec. Also look for any planning documents related to InfoSec.   Using a web search engine, visit one of the popular disaster recovery/business continuity sites, such as , , , , or Search for the terms hot site, warm site, and cold site. Do the provided descriptions match those of this chapter? Why or why not------- Just define what each term is and say th

speed of rotation of the generator

  (i) A 420 V, 50 Hz, star connected, the four-pole synchronous generator has a synchronous reactance of 0.1 Ω and an armature resistance of 0.013 Ω. At full load, the machine supplies 950 A at 0.85 PF lagging. Find  a) the speed of rotation of the generator.  (1 Mark) b) three-phase power the generator supplying at full load?  (1 Mark) c) If the machine is working at 60 percentage of full load at a power factor of 0.85 lagging, Find the % voltage regulation?  (1 Mark) d) If the machine is working at 70 percentage of full load at a power factor of 0.85 leading, Find the voltage generated?  (1 Mark) (ii) An armature of a three-phase alternator has 120 slots. The alternators have 6 poles. Calculate  a) β angle in radians (1 Mark) b) Distribution factor  (2 Mark) A three-phase star-connected alternator working at 1400 KVA,50 Hz,2100 V, has an armature dc resistance of 0.12 Ω. Assume the ac resistance is 1.5 times the dc resistance. A field current of 75 A produces a short circuit current