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Showing posts from July, 2017

BSBSMB404A Undertake Small Business Planning

ASSESSMENT TASKS BSBSMB404A Undertake Small Business Planning BSBSMB4014A Undertake Small Business Planning Assessment Tool 3 Project (Relates to element 1 3) Produce a draft business plan. Your plan should be developed to the point where an accountant need only check the figures with you, add a little more analysis (eg projected ratios) then have it prepared for presentation to third parties. The business plan can take any form you wish and can relate to an intended or imaginary business, but must include: 1. an executive summary 2. a situation analysis 3. customer needs analysis — market research results and analysis 4. the vision and mission statement for the business (the driving force which makes the plan a living document) 5. your aims and objectives, both business and personal 6. marketing, operational and financial plans and strategies 7. indications of financial support or intended sources of finance 8. staffing requirements 9. sales and growth forecasts 10. s

Write a report to address the following questions: INDUSTRY SECTOR IS RECEPTION

Write a report to address the following questions: INDUSTRY SECTOR IS RECEPTION Why is it critical to follow safety procedures and instructions when conducting work? Why do you need to carry out pre start systems and equipment checks? Where would you find out what the workplace procedures are for responding to emergency incidents in the workplace? Who are some examples of designated persons for reporting queries and concerns about safety in the workplace? What are the procedures for identifying existing and potential hazards in the workplace, reporting them to designated persons and recording them? Why do you need to identify and implement WHS procedures and work instructions? Describe the procedure for identifying and reporting emergency incidents and injuries to designated persons in the workplace. Who are WHS duty holders in the workplace and what are their duties? Why do employees need to contribute to workplace meetings, inspections or other WHS consultative activities?

Task 1 requires you to demonstrate your knowledge of factors impacting on the coordination of business resources. Complete your answers in the space following

Assessor Assessment Pack Task 1 — Theory: Short Answer Questions Task 1 requires you to demonstrate your knowledge of factors impacting on the coordination of business resources. Complete your answers in the space following and if you need more space, use your own paper placing your name at the top and (c) the question identifier (letter) beside each answer. a) What are the functions of 3 main pieces of business equipment used in your organisation and what are common faults encountered with each? Include copies of any documents to which you refer for your Assessor. Assessor Assessment Pack Task 2 — Practical: Coordinate Business Resources Task 2 requires you to demonstrate your ability to coordinate the use of business resources. Complete the following tasks to complete a portfolio of evidence for your Assessor. a) Copy all organisational policies, procedures and plans relating to the resource you have chosen to be purchased. You may White-Out any information that is confide

• Demonstration of knowledge of the issues and evidence of wide reading to support your analysis?

Services Make Payment Login You are here: Home Recent Questions Question #31900 Fin17079901 Looking for answers ? Recent Questions BUS80003 Research Methodology Assignment #1 Research Questions and Motivation This is an individual assignment worth 20 marks (20% of the unit grade). See attached a brief description of some research… Assignment 1 consists of two short answer questions (worth 5 marks each) based on Text material. Before attempting this assignment you are expected to have read Text chapters 1, 2, 3 and 4. Sources used… Hi. my name is Stefany I would like to know if someone can help me with this assessment is about customer experience management, it is for tomorrow morning 30/07/2017 at 9 am thank you looking forward… Describe approaches to computer security? Recognize some of the basic models used to implement security in operating systems? Describe the physical security components that can protect your computers and… rd, I

ACCT1008 – Accounting for Business – SP2 2017

ACCT1008 – Accounting for Business – SP2 2017 Assignment Part A 35 Marks – Weighting 10% Due 5:00pm Adelaide time (ACST) on Friday 4th August 2017 Please aim to complete the assignment a few days before the due date to allow for any unforeseen circumstances such as illness, family issues, work commitments etc. You may submit the assignment early if you have other commitments around the due date. The due date and time is stated in the course outline, on the course website and above. Please note it is your responsibility to ensure you factor in any time difference between Adelaide (South Australia) and your location when submitting your assignment. Please note that following important instructions relating to the assignment format and submission: 1. You must complete your assignment using the assignment Word document provided. 2. Do not convert this document into any other format (.docx or .doc are the only permissible file formats than can be uploaded). 3. You can only submit t

Business Law

ASSESSMENT BRIEF Course Code and Title LAW 2000: Business Law Assessment Case study assignment Individual/Group Individual Learning Outcomes 1. Explain what the law is and the role that the law plays in wider society and in the business environment 3. Identify the role of contract law in business activity and explain the elements needed to create and enforce a valid contract 4. Define an agency relationship and explain the legal implications of such a relationship 5. Identify and define the different types of property including intellectual property and analyse the importance to business of such property and how the law protects such property Submission 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of week 8 Weighting 30% Total Marks 100 marks Why are you doing in this assignment? In this assignment students will demonstrate their understanding and application of the key steps in the formula for answering case study questions. The case study questions reflect real life legal problems. This ass

BIZ101: Business Communications

ASSESSMENT BRIEF 2 Subject Code and Title BIZ101: Business Communications Assessment Part A: Proposal Part B: Report Individual/Group Individual or group Length Part A: Proposal: 600 words (+/- 10%) Part B: Report: 1,000 words (+/- 10%) Learning Outcomes This assessment addresses the following subject learning outcomes: a) Demonstrate academic skills appropriate to the level of study. b) Demonstrate research skills and referencing appropriate to the level of study. c) Critically analyse texts and/or multi-modal material in a business context. d) Identify and apply effective communication methods within a business and academic environment. e) Evaluate the use and importance of technology in presenting business communication. Submission Part A: Proposal By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of Module 4 (Week 7) Part B: Report By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of Module 5 (Week 9) Weighting Part A: Proposal: 20% Part B: Report: 30% Total Marks Part A: 100 marks Part B: 100 marks

QUESTION ONE Fraser is a shareholder of Digger NL a mining company in Queensland. Digger NI. made a call on the shares of all shareholders under s254P

QUESTION ONE Fraser is a shareholder of Digger NL a mining company in Queensland. Digger NI. made a call on the shares of all shareholders under s254P but Fraser did not pay the call by the due date being 12th of December 2016 because he needed money to go on a holiday over the Christmas period. Digger NL is a mining company extracting nickel from its site in Townsville in Queensland. ASIC registered the company as a mining company under the Corporations Act 2001 following a review of its constitution. After Digger NL was registered the company’s geologists and engineers determined that some of its land holding was not economically viable for mining activity. However, this land has a significant number of dinosaur fossils and some rare aboriginal paintings and the board of Digger NL resolve to develop a theme park and museum featuring these natural wonders. Fraser is concerned that the theme park and museum is a risky venture as it is too far from Townsville for tourists to trave

Step 1, This assignment requires you to submit,a single page project plan. This project plan will contain three components:

Assessment 1: Project context and proposal This assessment should be completed in 3 steps. Step 1, This assignment requires you to submit,a single page project plan. This project plan will contain three components: A] A ‘field of research’ which pertains to your understanding of your profession. This short statement will include how this field relates to the work of your profession and an industry. B] A source of secondary data linked to their chosen field of research. Students will be required to either include a website with a link to a publicly available secondary data set, or a short description of how they will use publicly available sources as secondary data. C] A research question or questions that can be answered with the secondary data set they identified, including a clear expression of the variables you will be using, and the relationships you plan to explore. D] The search terms you propose to use in Google Scholar to identify literature in the field of the research q

MOOCS business model in the Coursera & MOOCS case (Text p.450-466)

This assessment is to be undertaken in two parts. Using the Business Model Canvas, firstly critically analyse (deconstruct) the MOOCS business model in the Coursera & MOOCS case (Text p.450-466). Using these insights, the second component of the assessment requires you to prepare a new business model canvas for the potential delivery of MOOCS education for owners of SME’s (small and medium sized enterprises) who want to accelerate the performance of their businesses. Submit your assessment in a business report format that explains each component of the respective business model canvas. In the appendices, please provide the one page business model canvas for each. The assignment is not to exceed 2000 words. CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER………………………NO PLAGIARISM Get 100% Original papers from the writing experts CLICK HERE TO GET A PROFESSIONAL WRITER TO WORK ON THIS PAPER AND OTHER SIMILAR PAPERS, GET A NON PLAGIARIZED PAPER FROM OUR EXPERTS……


LAWS20058 – AUSTRALIAN COMMERCIAL LAW TERM 2, 2017 – ASSESSMENT 1 – INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT Word limit: Word limits are set out below for each part. Extensions policy: The university policy on extensions of time will be strictly enforced. Extensions will only be considered if made via the online system and must be based on medical or compassionate grounds. Any extension application should be made before the due date for submission. Medical conditions should be supported by a medical certificate, and, since students are expected to start the assignment early, temporary or last-minute conditions are usually not grounds for an extension. Professionals are expected to manage their time to meet their obligations, so work or personal commitments are insufficient grounds for an extension. Plagiarism: The university’s plagiarism policy will also be strictly enforced. If plagiarism is found, a minimum penalty is likely to be zero marks for the assessment. It could be worse. PART A (5 marks


UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN QUEENSLAND MGT8022 PROJECT-BASED MANAGEMENT ASSIGNMENT 1 Assessment tasks for MGT8022 Assignment 1 for this course is an essay and requires students to obtain sufficient information on a project of their choice to carry out a critical analysis on the documented ‘business case’ of that project. Your task is to consider whether the business case developed by the project reflects ‘best practice’ as defined by the project management literature. Students should choose a project as early as possible after reading the requirements of assignment 1. The same project can be used for both assignments 1 and 2. Assignment 2 for this course is a report and requires students to obtain sufficient information on a project of their choice to carry out a critical analysis of the ‘project management plan’. Students should choose a project as early as possible after reading the requirements of assignment 2. Students may use the same project for assignment 1 and assignment 2, or

• This form is to be completed by the assessor and used a final record of student competency.

ASSESSMENT SUMMARY • This form is to be completed by the assessor and used a final record of student competency. • All student submissions including any associated checklists (outlined below) are to be attached to this cover sheet before placing on the students file. • Student results are not to be entered onto the Student Database unless all relevant paperwork is completed and attached to this form. Student Name: Student ID No: Final Completion Date: Unit Code: BSBMKG609 Unit Title: Develop a Marketing Plan Please attach the following documentation to this form Result Assessment Develop Marketing Strategies (Project, Report) S / NYS / DNS Final Assessment Result for this unit C / NYC Feedback is given to the student on each Assessment task Yes / No Feedback is given to the student on final outcome of the unit Yes / No Student Declaration I have been assessed in a fair and flexible manner. I understand that the Institute’s Student Assessment, Reassessment and Repeating Un