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Due date : 09 sept ACCOUNTING FOR CORPORATE STRUCTURE Instructions Refer to the Unit Outline for other instructions. The assignment has to be typed, double-spacing. There are ten (10) questions to be completed for this assessment. Ensure that you answer all questions. Each question is worth 10 marks totaling 100. The final marks will be converted to 20% All questions are selected from your prescribed textbook: FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING 8 e – Craig Deegan The rubric (appendix 1) has the assessment criteria. Generally, the evaluation criteria: • Accurate numerical answers • Clarity of communication and analysis supported if applicable by Australian/International Accounting Standards • Correct referencing and bibliographic style-all source material is appropriately cited in the assignment and presented correctly in the reference list. CHAPTERS PROBLEMS/QUESTIONS NUMBERS PAGE NUMBERS MARKS PER QUESTION 4 4.26 176 10 5 5.23 199 10 6 6.25 232 10 8 8.17 250 10 10 10.19 369 10 11

COIT20249 Assessment Details Assessment item 4—Portfolio

COIT20249 Assessment Details Assessment item 4—Portfolio Due date: See page 2 for details about submission deadlines for each item. ASSESSMENT Weighting: 30% 4 Length: Depends on each activity Objectives This assignment is designed to develop a portfolio of resources that you can use during your degree. The compilation of your Portfolio is progressive throughout the term. Please refer to the Unit Profile to see how this assessment item relates to the Unit Learning Outcomes. These objectives will be measured by the ‘closeness of fit’ to meeting the assessment requirements and the marking criteria. General Assessment Criteria Assessments provide the opportunity for students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills to achieve the required standard. To do this, assessment responses need to be both clear and easy to understand. If not, the University cannot determine that students have demonstrated their knowledge and skills. Assessments will, therefore, be marked accordingly incl

Extensions policy: The university policy on extensions of time will be strictly enforced.

want perfect solution LAWS20060 – TERM 2, 2017 ASSESSMENT 1 – INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT Marks: 40% of the overall assessment for the course Submission: Online via Moodle Format: One file in .doc or .docx (MSWord) format. Submissions in any other file format (e.g. .zip) will be treated as a nonsubmission. Word limit: 2000-3000 words Due date extended: Week 8 Wednesday (06-Sep-2017) 11:45 PM AEST Return to students: Week 11 Friday (29-Sep-2017) Extensions policy: The university policy on extensions of time will be strictly enforced. Extensions will only be considered if made via the online system and based on medical or compassionate grounds. Any extension application should be made before the due date for submission. Medical conditions should be supported by a medical certificate, and, since students are expected to start the assignment early, temporary or last-minute conditions are usually not grounds for an extension. Professionals are expected to manage their time to meet their

PORTFOLIO_1: Annotated Bibliographies

PORTFOLIO_1: Annotated Bibliographies for Assessment 3 – Report (10 marks) Task: Assessment 3 (COIT20249 Report) requires students to use at least 10 recent references. At least 6 of these must be academic references which are peer reviewed and/or textbooks. See Assessment 3 specifications for further details. Use the ARE and Triple R framework you learnt in Weeks 2 and 3 to research and select 5 Academic references you would use for your Assessment 3 (Report) – do not use the references you used for PA 3 in Week 6. All references must be from the last 5 years (dated 2012 onwards) and must be selected using the Triple R framework. In Week 3, you learnt about Annotated Bibliographies. Using those skills, provide an annotation for each of the 5 references. See pp. 132 – 134 in your Textbook and refer to Week 3 materials on Annotated Bibliographies. Each reference must be formatted in APA style – see week 5 materials and CQU APA Referencing guidelines. To achieve full marks, the subm

By submitting this assessment via Moodle, I declare that this is my own work and had not been copied or plagiarised from any other source. Please refer to the Student Handbook for more information.

Assessment Outcome: ? Satisfactory ? Not Yet Satisfactory Student Declaration: By submitting this assessment via Moodle, I declare that this is my own work and had not been copied or plagiarised from any other source. Please refer to the Student Handbook for more information. Assessment Conditions: Each assessment criteria is recorded as either Satisfactory (S) or Not Yet Satisfactory (NYS). A student can only achieve a ‘Satisfactory’ Assessment Outcome for the entire assessment when all assessment Criteria listed below are ‘Satisfactory’. A student who is assessed as ‘Not Yet Satisfactory’ is eligible for re-assessment with their trainer. All assessment answers must be typed, include this assessment cover sheet and uploaded in ‘WORD’ version to moodle. Assessment Criteria Element Performance Criteria S NYS 1. Develop operational plan 1.1 Research, analyse and document resource requirements and develop an operational plan in consultation with relevant personnel, colleagues and sp

The Assignment-2 Specification and Marking Criteria In this assignment, you are to implement a 3-tier enterprise application based on the following scenario.

The Assignment-2 Specification and Marking Criteria In this assignment, you are to implement a 3-tier enterprise application based on the following scenario. The application scenario An online device sale company needs to implement an e-business system. The system is a typical 3tier enterprise application that integrates a presentation tier, a business tier and a persistence tier. After user requirement and budget analysis, the executive of IT Department of the company has decided to use Java EE open source technology and related platforms and tools for the implementation of the system. As an officer of the IT Department of the company, you are delegated as the developer of the system core. To accomplish this task, you will need to design, implement, test and document the e-business system. The assignment specification 1. The persistence tier a. The company sells only 2 products, laptops and smart phones, and may extend to more products in the future through this general framewor

Description: Students are required to: identify, demonstrate and explain the rationale for conducting a structured search for evidence based on a health scenario.

Assessment Task 2: Written Assignment – Searching for evidence Description: Students are required to: identify, demonstrate and explain the rationale for conducting a structured search for evidence based on a health scenario. Student are also required to discuss how relevant the search is to the clinical question. Instructions: From the scenario/answerable question provided (LEO HLSC122, Assessment submission & resources) choose any one (1) as a basis for your inquiry. Writing in an essay format (introduction, body, conclusion, reference list). The table/s are included in the word count, do not use an appendix. Minimum four (4) references (two to support your search strategy, two examples from your final search). Small/short headings may be used. Do not repeat the questions or scenario. 1. Based on the answerable question, identify key words, search terms and alternative words that you will then use to complete a structured search for evidence. 2. Identify the best two (2) da


UNCC300 – SUPPLEMENTARY ASSESSMENT Ethical clothing For your supplementary assessment, you are required to investigate the issues surrounding the ethical production of clothing. You should focus on these two in your reflection (which you can write in essay form or with subtitles): 1. Write a critique explaining how the common good is challenged or negated by this issue locally and globally (approximately 400 words). 2. Propose two or three ways to address the challenge in order to achieve a more just society (approximately 800 words). In your answer, you will need to demonstrate your understanding of the Common Good and its relationship to other CST principles, particularly Human Dignity. NB: You are not required to make reference to all CST principles; 3-5 CST principles will be sufficient. Your discussion should demonstrate how advocacy and community engagement may contribute to your proposed solution. Readings. In 2016, we learned that the Rana Plaza factory in Bangladesh c

EPM5700 Project Management & Information TEchnology

EPM5700 Project Management & Information TEchnology Individual Assignment 2017 The Problem and Background • Within the Project Management discipline, there are a number of sectors, such as Engineering, Business, Administration and so on. • Each category has its uniqueness and a number of Information Systems exclusive to each category has been made available in the market place over the years. These systems are not complete in all respects and still there is a lot of work to be done in the industry. • Managing projects requires, ideally, technology to support project processes in addition to Project Planning and Controlling. The Assignment and Deliverables • Each one of you is required to pick a sub-category of the Project Management industry or other areas of the sector in the industry. • Investigate various software available that support project processes for the specific category in ONE the following areas within the industry: • Stakeholder Management • Risk Managem

. Search the web for news on computer security breaches that occurred during April-August 2017. Research one such reported incident (Excluding the May 2017 ransomware cyber-attack) .

Answer the following question: 1. Search the web for news on computer security breaches that occurred during April-August 2017. Research one such reported incident (Excluding the May 2017 ransomware cyber-attack) . Prepare a report focusing on what the problem was, how and why it occurred and what are the possible solutions. Length: Around 900 words Part B : 10 Marks 1. Research the May 2017 ransomware cyber-attack on the web and prepare a report focusing on the following questions: What was the problem? Who were affected and how? How was the attack carried out? What could have been done to prevent the attack? Length: Around 900 words Rationale This assessment task is based on the following topics discussed in the subject: the overview of Information security fundamentals, security threats, cryptography, malicious software, and operating system security. The assessment task is aligned with the following learning outcomes of the subject: be able to justify security goals an

This assignment will comprise 15% of the overall assessment for this course.

BUSN3047 Company Accounting Semester 2, 2017 WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT Due Date: Monday 1th September 2017 at 4pm Student name: Melissa Smith This assignment will comprise 15% of the overall assessment for this course. This assignment consists of 1 Question: General Requirements 1. Work individually or in a group of up to 4 students. The first page of the assignment must indicate the first name, family name and student ID number of the students in the group. Further details about how to identify group members in FLO and submission details will be provided in due course. 2. Workings – you must show any relevant calculations and workings. 3. Due date – Lodgement of your assignment is expected prior to the due date and time. If exceptional circumstances lead to the requirement for an extension, this must be applied for prior to the due date via the assignment extension tool on FLO, complete with supporting documentation. Otherwise, a late lodgement penalty applies of 5% of the allocat

Please see the case titled ‘Home Pharmaceuticals’ in the assignment forum on study desk. This case is applicable to both Case Study Assignment and the examination.

Assignment: Case Study Description Marks out of Wtg (%) Due date Case Study 1 (2000 words) 40 40 29 August 2017 Please see the case titled ‘Home Pharmaceuticals’ in the assignment forum on study desk. This case is applicable to both Case Study Assignment and the examination. You are required to analyse this case and answer the questions below. Important instructions: A. The format of presenting the case study answers is indicated in the assignment questions below. Please note that neither a report format nor essay format is required; just follow the format and instructions in the assignment questions below. A general introduction and conclusion to the case study should not be included. B. Word count: The word count is 2000 words. A word count between 1800 and 2200 (10% +/- 1 800) is acceptable. If the word count is exceeded, only the first 2200 words will be marked and this will obviously have a negative impact on your mark for the assignment. The word count excludes the title pa