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EPM5700 Project Management & Information TEchnology

Project Management
& Information TEchnology
Individual Assignment
The Problem and Background
• Within the Project Management discipline, there are a number of sectors, such as Engineering, Business, Administration and so on.
• Each category has its uniqueness and a number of Information Systems exclusive to each category has been made available in the market place over the years. These systems are not complete in all respects and still there is a lot of work to be done in the industry.
• Managing projects requires, ideally, technology to support project processes in addition to Project Planning and Controlling.
The Assignment and Deliverables
• Each one of you is required to pick a sub-category of the Project Management industry or other areas of the sector in the industry.
• Investigate various software available that support project processes for the specific category in ONE the following areas within the industry:
• Stakeholder Management
• Risk Management
• Quality Management
• Communication Management
• Human Resource Management
• Procurement Management
• Analyze the capabilities of the software and particularly the ability to integrate well with all other software.
• The deliverable comprise of a Report not exceeding 2000 Words (approx. 200 Words per page) or Max 12 pages A4 size, whichever is maximum (Penalty for exceeding the limit), clearly articulating the response required.
General Aim:-
• To select an appropriate software for a specific application.
• To develop a methodology to evaluate appropriate software for application.
• To broaden your knowledge in the current use of software in the area of project management discipline.
• To develop your skills in self education, self expression, self discipline and interpersonal relationships
Individual Assignment
• The report also should include relevant diagrams outlining the interaction between various aspects in Information technology software procurement process.
• Findings from literature & other software materials must be clearly quoted appropriately and referenced.
Stage 1
• Stage 1 – Due Week 5
• Develop a proposal stating their preferred option and Report outline.
• Each student must consult other students and ensure that they have selected a unique option. Proposal must be approved before commencing Stage 2.
• Students must not share the chosen option.
• Develop an initial draft Report, outlining key findings.
Stage 2
• Staqe 2 – Due Week 8
• Develop a Final Report, detailing all the findings.
Stage 3
• Week 8 during class time
Oral Assessment (Individual)
• Cover Sheet with Title
• Front Page
• List of Content
• Executive Summary
• Aim/s of the Investigation
• Introduction of the topic
• Significance of this investigation
• Listing and describe the available softwares
• Software Selection for evaluation (at least 3 to be selected)
• Critically Review the selected three Softwares
• Identify and set Criteria for Evaluation
• Discussion on Weighting for each criteria
• Set up Evaluation Matrix
• Justification of weighting criteria for each software ( clear evidence and comparison required)
• Discussion on the results
• Discussion of Problems and Pitfalls
• Recommendation/s
• References
• Acknowledgment: if any…
• Appendix: Provide all supporting evidence for each software evaluated.
Suggested Report Structure
• Front cover with a picture of your choice related to the project.
• First page with project title, student name, subject, etc.
• List of contents with page numbers
• Summary (Abstract) stating briefly what has been done in the project. (100 words), Written last, but placed first.
• Introduction, giving the background of the project, some reasons for doing it, and briefly reporting work done by others.
• Body of the Report:
• Results: Present in detail all collected results. giving references and footnotes.
Suggested Report Structure
• Comments or Analysis: The accuracy and reliability of the data should be updated, if possible. The facts and trends should be explained, and any discrepancies accounted for. The relevance of the results to the aim of the project should be considered.
• Conclusions: Clear and definite conclusions should be drawn, stating how far the aims have been achieved and suggesting future work to be done. Conclusions should be numbered. (Do not confuse with Summary and Conclusion)
• Acknowledgment: if any…
• References: This will usually be a major part of the report. The various sources of information used for the project should be listed alphabetically by author, (the author, title, year of publication, publisher or journal, and number of pages should all be given, so that a reader could find a copy if desired).
• Appendix: Any reference materials used in the report
EPM5700 Individual Assignment Oral Assessment
• Oral assessment will be held in Week 8.
• Failure to attend this presentation then no marks will be given for this Assignment.
Marking Criteria:
• Report Presentation: 20%
• Research & Investigation 20%
• Software Reviews 20%
• Matrix Analysis & Discussion 25%
• Conclusion & Recommendations 15%
• Total 100%
Submission Requirements
• Each member is needed to submit the following:
• Upload Electronic version of the report to Dropbox on VU Collaborate
• Reports will be retained by VU
• Students will be given feedback on their submission later on
• Time allowed for oral presentation is 5 minutes only per studen
Individual Assignment 2017
Stage 1
Assignment Proposal
Stage 1 – Submission
• Stage 1 – Due by Friday, Week 5
• Develop a proposal stating your approved area of software investigation.
• Each student must consult other students and ensure that they have selected a unique option.
• Students must not share the chosen option.
• Topic Title
• Aim of the topic
• Proposed methodology
• List of software for evaluation
• Expected outcomes
• Proposed Structure of the report – (list of contents)
• List of References
• Appendix – content
• Project Delivery Plan with timeline. ( not less than
20 tasks incorporating key milestones prepared in MS Project Software)
Typical Programme
• Your proposal must include at least three software.
• Maximum 6 pages only.
Any Questions?
Thank You



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