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presentation At all times, the workbook was clearly structured, logical, and understandable with references.

riteria High Distinction
80% – Distinction
70%- 79% Credit
60-69% Pass
50-59% Fail
presentation At all times, the workbook was clearly structured, logical, and understandable with references. At all times,
the workbook was clearly structured, logical, and understandable. Most of the time,
the workbook was clearly structured, logical, and understandable. Some of the time,
the workbook was clearly structured, logical, and understandable. At no times was the workbook clearly structured, logical, and understandable.
Identify the issues of the problem All of the issues are clearly and accurately detailed with reference to cases with similar facts. All of the issues are clearly and accurately detailed. All of the issues are clearly and accurately summarised. Some of the issues are clearly and accurately outlined in brief. The issues are not clearly or accurately outlined.
Explain the relevant law relating to the problem All of the relevant law is clearly and accurately detailed, and the Act and related cases are discussed. All of the relevant law is clearly and accurately detailed. Most of the relevant law is clearly and accurately summarised. Some of the relevant law is clearly and accurately outlined in brief. The relevant law is not clearly or accurately outlined.
Discuss the potential legal arguments relating to the problem All the legal arguments are clearly and accurately detailed, and there is a synthesis with the relevant law. All the legal arguments are clearly and accurately detailed. Most of legal arguments are clearly and accurately summarised. Some of the legal arguments are clearly and accurately outlined in brief. The legal arguments are not clearly or accurately outlined.
Summarise a balanced conclusion to the issues of the problem A balanced decision is accurately detailed with reference to alternative outcomes. A balanced decision is accurately detailed. A balanced decision is accurately summarised in summary format. A balanced decision is accurately outlined in brief. A balanced decision is not discussed.
Question 28.11 from the text:
Olivia is a keen gardener. She is particularly proud of the large apricot tree in her back yard, the branches of which overhang her barbeque area and provide her with shade. Olivia awakes one morning, however, to discover that her new neighbours have lopped off almost half the branches of her apricot tree, hoping to get more light in their main bedroom.
Olivia is furious and seeks your legal advice.
Questions to consider when answering Question 28.11:
Is the damage to person or to property?
In light of the harm suffered by P, what is the most appropriate action? Trespass to land?
Can Olivia show a direct interference with her lawful possession of land?
Does there have to be an entry on to her land for a trespass to arise?
Did she consent to the lopping of the tree?
Do the neighbours have any defences available to them for their actions?
Question 17.7 from the text:
Recently a corporation has been advertising in women’s magazines an electronic muscle stimulation product known as “Slendertone” stating that the product can: “tone and firm any party of the body with no effort by the user”, “provide the user with the benefit of a workout without exercise”, “reduce the user’s body measurements by an inch or more” and “give the user, in 40 minutes per day, the equivalent of 300 general exercises.” The product in fact does none of these things.
Advise the ACCC and affected consumers.
Questions to consider when answering Question 17.7:
Does the ACL apply?
Did the transaction take place in trade or commerce?
What sections of the ACL appear to be in breach?
In order to establish a breach of s 18 what has to be established?
Is the advertising likely to be misleading or deceptive or likely to mislead or deceive?
Does the advertising contravene s 29(1)?
What remedies are available to an individual consumer?
What remedies would the ACCC be likely to seek?
Example Question:
Yvette is a medical student assisting at a doctor’s surgery. Benjamin visits the surgery, complaining of chronic fatigue. Yvette conducts a brief examination of him while the doctor is out for lunch, without informing him that she is not a fully qualified medical practitioner. Yvette tells Benjamin that he is in good health and has been studying too hard. On his way home, Benjamin falls asleep at the wheel and hits a parked car, causing significant damage to both vehicles. Medical examinations after the accident show that Benjamin has a sleeping disorder, which could have been diagnosed and treated by a competent doctor.
Advise Benjamin.
Questions to consider when answering Example Question:
Is the damage to person or to property?
In light of the harm suffered by P, what is the most appropriate action? Negligence?
Does Yvette owe a duty of care to Ben?
Was it reasonably foreseeable that her acts or omissions could affect Ben’s well-being?
Is there a relationship of proximity?
What is the standard of care in this case?
Is the standard of care higher than that of a reasonable person?
Has Yvette breached her duty of care to Ben?
Has Ben suffered damage?
Can Ben establish causation and remoteness?
Are there any defences available to Yvette?



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