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APA referencing and in text style should be within 5years 6 referencing in alphatical order

2. APA referencing and in text style should be within 5years 6 referencing in alphatical order
3. My speciality is Mental health so everything should refer to mental health and remember to us the Mental Health ACT and have attachment 2 doucments
• Explain more about the assessment Please read its carefully.
• Its a folder contains information of mental health Acts and more information please read
• Appendices, and Marking Rubric on here and referencing lists on here as well
This is my question need to be answer.
What are the knowledge and skills required by a registered nurse when working with people who are involuntary under the mental health act?

Assessment Task 1- Professional Portfolio
You will be required to identify a nursing problem or issue that relates to the specialty area of practice in which you are completing your clinical placement for this unit.
Once you have identified a nursing problem/issue you will need to develop this into a question for exploration which is subject to approval by your LIC/Tutor. This question needs to be realistic in the context of your speciality clinical placement in relation to nursing practice. This question will lead you to contemporary literature. From your reading of this literature you will discover what is known or not known about your question. The information that you have gained from your reading and your observation of practice should then enable you to draw conclusions concerning your nursing question. You will then write a report summarising your finding.
Due date: 19/10
Weighting: 30%
Length and/or format: 1200 words +/- 10% written in Report format
Purpose: In all of the specialty practice electives, instead of undertaking intensive laboratory work, students will complete a project in the real world laboratory of their specialty clinical placement. This teaching/learning strategy is referred to as “Project-Based Learning”. Through this the students gain knowledge on how to apply evidence based research to their practice and refine their clinical reasoning skills.
Learning outcomes assessed: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
How to submit:
Return of assignment:
Assessment criteria: On Rubric
Criterion referenced Rubric: Assessment Task 1 – Professional Portfolio: Project Report
Criteria for marking High Distinction (95-100%) High Distinction (85-94%) Distinction (75-84%) Credit (65-74%) Pass (50-64%) Unsatisfactory (31-49%) Unsatisfactory (0-30%)
Part A Validation YES NO NO
Part B Question 10% Extensively discusses the background of the question providing insightful analyses of the rationale.
2 or more credible references used to support the background. Comprehensively discusses the background of the question providing insightful analyses of the rationale.
At least 2 credible references used to support background. Thoroughly discusses the background of the question providing analyses of the rationale.
At least 1 credible reference used to support background. Provides an adequate description of the background and rationale for question.
Supportive literature of poor quality or absent. Discussion of the background and rationale for question is descriptive.
Supportive literature absent. Little discussion of the position evident.
Supportive literature absent. No discussion of the position evident.
Supportive literature absent.
Evidence 30% Provides an extensive critical evaluation of 3 or more articles, which considers the strengths and weakness of evidence provided.
Clarifies evidence in support of alternative views.
All literature is peer- reviewed, contemporary and credible. Primary resources or systematic reviews are used throughout the report. Provides a comprehensive critical evaluation of 3 articles, which considers the strengths and weakness of evidence provided.
All literature is peer- reviewed, contemporary and credible. Primary resources or systematic reviews are used throughout the report. Provides a thorough critical evaluation of 3 articles, which considers the strengths and weakness of evidence provided.
All literature is peer- reviewed, contemporary and credible. Primary resources or systematic reviews are used throughout the report. Provides adequate critical evaluation of 3 articles, with some consideration of the strengths and weakness of the evidence provided.
All literature is peer- reviewed, primary resources or systematic reviews. Some resources are from credible contemporary sources. Synopsis of 2-3 articles is descriptive only.
Literature is from mixed sources, but most literature is peer-reviewed and primary resources or systematic reviews. Some resources are from credible contemporary sources. Minimal literature description only.
There are problems with sources of information. Literature is NOT peer-reviewed, credible, relevant and/ or contemporary.
Primary research and/ or systematic reviews were not used. Discussion lacks support from literature and/or literature is NOT peer-reviewed, credible or contemporary.
Discussion is unrelated to topic or synopsis, or no synopses evident.
Primary research and/ or systematic reviews were not used.
Observation, Analysis & Evaluation
50% Extensively analyses clinical practice in relation to the question. Discriminates rationally using reasonable judgment when evaluating and critiquing clinical practice against contemporary literature. Provides extensive consideration for changes to practice based on findings Comprehensively analyses clinical practice in relation to the question. Discriminates rationally using reasonable judgment when evaluating and critiquing clinical practice against contemporary literature. Provides comprehensive consideration for changes to practice based on findings Thoroughly analyses clinical practice in relation to the question. Evaluates and critiques clinical practice against contemporary literature. Provides some consideration for changes to practice based on findings Thoroughly analyses clinical practice in relation to the question.
Provides some evaluation and critique of clinical practice against contemporary literature. Recommendations for changes to practice may not be evident. Describes clinical practice in relation to the question.
Minimal evaluation and critique of clinical practice against contemporary literature. No recommendations for practice change. Little description and does not provide relevant analysis of clinical practice in relation to question. No evidence of evaluation or critique of practice in relation to literature used Does not provide relevant analysis of clinical practice in relation to question. No evidence of evaluation or critique of practice in relation to literature used
Referencing 5% Accurate use of APA referencing style in all instances. A broad range of in-text citations has been used. Accurate use of APA referencing style in all instances. A range of in-text citations has been used. APA referencing style is almost always accurate. A range of in-text citations has been used. APA referencing style is accurate on most occasions. There is limited use of a range of in-text citation formats. APA referencing style is demonstrated inconsistently. There is no variation of in- text citation format There are inaccuracies with the APA referencing style. There may be an overuse of direct quotations. There are several inaccuracies with the APA referencing style. There may be an overuse of direct quotations.
Mechanics- grammar, spelling and punctuation
5% Flawless presentation There are no errors with grammar, spelling and punctuation, and the meaning is easily discernible. The report reads without interruption. There are minimal errors with grammar, spelling and punctuation, and the meaning is easily discernible. There are some errors with grammar, spelling and punctuation. However, the meaning is readily discernible. There are substantial errors with grammar, spelling and punctuation. The errors detract significantly, but the meaning is discernible. Grammar, spelling and punctuation are such that the reader makes little sense of the content. Grammar, spelling and punctuation are such that the reader cannot make sense of the content.
Required text(s)
There are no required texts associated with this unit
Recommended references
Levett-Jones, T. (Ed.), (2013). Clinical reasoning: Learning to think like a nurse. Sydney, Australia: Pearson Education.
Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. (2016). Registered nurse standards for practice. Retrieved from:
Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. (2013). Professional Standards.Retrieved from: standards.aspx
NMBA 2008 Code of Professional Conduct for Nurses
NMBA 2008 Code of Professional Conduct for Midwives
NMBA 2006 National Competency Standards for the Registered Nurse (4th edition) NMBA 2006 National Competency Standards for the Midwife (4th edition)
It is recommended that students consult their previously prescribed texts on physiology and pathophysiology, pharmacology and nursing care



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