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Showing posts from November, 2017

Short Response Discussion Topics

Assessment item 1 Short Response Discussion Topics Value: 15% Due date: 03-Dec-2017 Return date: 28-Dec-2017 Length: Max 200 words per blog response Submission method options Alternative submission method Task This task requires you to submit TWO responses, as blogs, to each key topic in week 1 and 2 (ie a total of four responses). Blogs should be approximately 150 to 200 words each. This assessment is approximately 800 words in total. After submitting your responses into the student blog forum, you also need to submit your all the responses to the topic questions as a single word document using Turnitin by the due date. This will enable me to provide you with confidential individual feedback. Step 1. Create a blog entry – Instructions for creating a blog entry are in the Resources section of the subject site. You are welcome to comment constructively on another students work if you so choose. Step 2: Once you have submitted your blog, you need to paste the contents of your

Prepare an A3 poster that describes how the efforts of one public, private, not-forprofit agency, or faith based group and you as a professional, can result in the realisation of a more just global community.

Assessment 1: Description: Prepare an A3 poster that describes how the efforts of one public, private, not-forprofit agency, or faith based group and you as a professional, can result in the realisation of a more just global community. A detailed description providing you with additional information about how to undertake this assignment is available on the unit’s LEO page under Assessment Assignment 1 Poster Template. You can also use this PowerPoint template for your poster. You must follow the format guidelines in Assessment How to create your poster. Please note: to support your preparation for this assessment, UNICEF and Caritas are provided as examples in activities in Module 1. For this reason, you cannot use UNICEF or Caritas as your chosen organisation for this assessment. Due date: Weighting: December 5, 5pm 20% Length and/or format: A3 sized poster. Harvard referencing CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER………………………NO PLAGIARISM Get 100% Original papers from the writing experts


Hi.   Instructions:   I have attached a PDF file of a site in Shoreditch London (near old street station) I am looking at bus routes/bus stops and cycle routes in this area where the site is located.   I have also attached a word document of a visual map of all the bus routes/bus stops and cycle routes in the area.   All that needs to be done is:   What are the OPPORTUNITIES What are the CONSTRAINTS   Could you please add them into the other word document where I have included the maps of bus and cycle routes.   Could you please do them in bullet point form.   3461 3460 Cycling routes – map = cut off at Finsbury to the west and Moorgate south Bus routes/Bus stops 3464 Hi.   Instructions:   I have attached a PDF file of a site in Shoreditch London (near old street station) I am looking at bus routes/bus stops and cycle routes in this area where the site is located.   I have also attached a word document of a visual map of all the

Quantity theory of money

– Bibliography needed – 10 Harvard references – throughout the essay – classical, monetarism and Keynesian views on the quantity theory of money. – look like a student that can get a first class so new English format – start off with describing what MV = PY is and the difference between MV = PT and MV = PQ and why is one used and the others are not. – Section 1 graphs have already been complete – use same ones – First class standard for a first-year student studying Economics more info on word document which has been attached I have emailed a separate copy of instructions and the graphs needed to 10 Harvard References Assessment Task: an essay, explained below.  The word limit (for Sections 1 and 2 combined) is 2000 words (plus or minus 10%); this limit excludes the bibliography, and do not count any words in the three Charts such as axis labels or legend. Unit Learning Outcomes Assessed: LO1 – Explain the concepts of equilibrium

Writing a proposal

Hi there, this is Integrated business project subject. I have to make a research proposal base on any company in Australia. I am thinking about Kmart to be my company but if you have any other company that easier then Kmart please let me know. It is because this assignment just for the Introduction. You only have to write the Introduction part and please make a business slide in ppt for me about what you write on the proposal (6 slides).   The research proposal is an important stepping stone and decides on the quality of your research. It needs to be convincing and comprehensive. There are four main questions that you need to address, for the purpose of your research proposal for this subject, your proposal should comprise of 3 to 5 pages and needs to include a  research schedule.  The schedue aims at demonstrating that all necessary steps or items to be performed are included and sufficient time allocated. The research schedule needs to demonstrate that the research project is fea

• Media objectives Must be SMART • Recommended media mix – Cover each media to be used. For each recommended media provide specific detail.

. Media Plan • Media objectives Must be SMART • Recommended media mix – Cover each media to be used. For each recommended media provide specific detail. • Geographic – • Media vehicles • Ad sizes • Time slots, indicative programs, section placement • Duration e.g. number of weeks, number of issues • Media weight e.g TARPS , insertions, numbers etc • Media scheduling e.g. Weeks on air Rationale for the media strategy (media mix) • Reference should be made to the media consumption habits of your target audience as support for the choice of the medium. • Rationale to be provided for each and every recommendation giving reasons for: • Geographic – • Each media vehicle • Ad sizes • Time slots, indicative programs, section placement • Duration e.g. number of weeks, number of issues • Media weight e.g. TARPS, insertions, numbers etc. • Media scheduling e.g. Weeks on air 4. Media schedule (To be submitted as a separate Excel file) • Translate all the information from the medi

Topics for P. Research Paper L(1.7E Week 6 . Globakrauon

HL5016 T rt1:017 Topics for P. Research Paper L(1.7E Week 6 . Globakrauon – Cossants Inchintlealle afifected • Pounce cases Neptsce cases • Some facts and figures are required with your analysis • Terns of Trade -`Facts and figures – Much area me scumming decreasing Benceen Austraba and China, Japan, UK. GS. Germany. India, Indonesia, Kern • Factors a frectzsgthis trade • Subsidies tri Agicubute Car industry and Soil, energy mad – Positive aspects Negattve aspects 2 to i counnies and 1 or 2 industries 4 • Small countries with less population and GDP have been benefited with trade – 2 to 3 countries – Industries – Affect on GDP Standard of living • Comparative advantage Explain the reasons – 2 to 3 countries and 1 to 2 industries – Some facts and figures Structure of the Research Paper • Introduction—which topic 300 words • Body- Discuss the topic in the article and with some theory -2400 words • Conclusion 300 words Note., – More marks for research — choo

MKG102 – Consumer Behaviour

ASSESSMENT BRIEF Subject Code and Title MKG102 – Consumer Behaviour Assessment Individual Case Analysis Report Individual/Group Individual Length 3000 words (+/- 10%) Learning Outcomes a) Explain the meaning of consumer behaviour and its role in marketing strategy development. b) Apply the concept of the consumer decision-making model to provide insights into consumer buying processes. c) Categorise the needs and wants of consumers and their underlying motivations d) Analyse the psychological processes affecting consumer behaviour. e) Identify social and cultural influences on consumer behaviour. Submission By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of Module 6 (Week 11) Weighting 40% Total Marks 100 marks Context: This assessment is a case analysis of your own personal consumer behaviour. It aims to develop an understanding of key principles of consumer behaviour by applying subject topics and theories to your own thoughts and actions as a consumer. It allows for a valuable reflection

Assignment 1 – Individual research and participation

Assignment 1 – Individual research and participation Weighting: 20% (A post for 2 Topics x 7 marks each, PLUS 1 alternative view x 6 marks) Due: You need to post a contribution for 2 Topics by the date/times listed below to a Discussion Forum (DF) that will be available for EACH Topic. NOTE: All times are NSW (Sydney) time Students need to choose 1 topic from Topics 1 – 3 AND choose 1 topic from Topics 4 – 6: (The point is to offer you some flexibility to work around assessments in other units & whatever other commitments you have to manage) Topics 1 – 3: any time until noon Monday 18 December (Week 7) Topics 4 – 6: any time until noon Monday 15 January (Week 11) ALL students ALSO need to post the following: An alternative post to one other student’s contribution in ONE (NOT both) of your chosen Topics – to be completed as per each the schedule above. You are required to do three (3) things as an individual student for this Assignment: 1. Choose & identify a relevant

Quantity theory of money

2000 words Harvard referencing graphs included Harvard referencing Assessment Task: an essay, explained below.  The word limit (for Sections 1 and 2 combined) is 2000 words (plus or minus 10%); this limit excludes the bibliography, and do not count any words in the three Charts such as axis labels or legend. Unit Learning Outcomes Assessed: LO1 – Explain the concepts of equilibrium and disequilibrium in macroeconomic modelling and analysis LO2 – Research macroeconomic issues independently and explain the findings through a portfolio of work LO5 – Evaluate macroeconomic data, trends and policy Specification:   You are required to answer the questions in both sections 1 and 2 below; they are based on data downloaded on 2 nd Sept 2017 from   Section 1 (30 marks) ( Graphs have already been done) (a)  Use data in the coursework spreadsheet file on Moodle, to produce a chart showing the link between quantity of money (on the horizontal axis),

Writing a proposal

The research proposal is an important stepping stone and decides on the quality of your research. It needs to be convincing and comprehensive. There are four main questions that you need to address, for the purpose of your research proposal for this subject, your proposal should comprise of 3 to 5 pages and needs to include a  research schedule.  The schedue aims at demonstrating that all necessary steps or items to be performed are included and sufficient time allocated. The research schedule needs to demonstrate that the research project is feasible to be completed within the given time. For the purpose of this schedule, it is suggested that you use a Gantt Chart. Find an example of a Gantt Chart on the internet (Just give any time frame)   Structure of your Research Proposal Here is    a guideline to structuring your research proposal  , which is related to the four question discussed before, namely:   1) What will you research? Here you need to include the broad research to


Choose one non profit organisation A3 Poster 5 references                                   Assessment 1:description Description:   Prepare an A3 poster that describes how the efforts of one public, private, not-for profit Agency, or faith based group and you as a professional, can result in the realisation of a more just global community. A detailed description providing you with additional information about how to undertake this assignment is available on the unit’s LEO page under Assessment > Assignment 1 Poster Template. You can also use this PowerPoint template for your poster. You must follow the format guidelines in Assessment > How to create your poster. Please note: to support your preparation for this assessment, UNICEF and Caritas are provided as examples in activities in Module 1. For this reason, you cannot use UNICEF or Caritas as your chosen organisation for this assessment. Length and/or format :  A3 sized poster.  Purpose :       To describe how the

HI6026 Audit, Assurance and Compliance

1 HI6026 Audit, Assurance and Compliance TRIMESTER 3, 2017 INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT 1 Assessment Value: 20% Instructions:  This assignment is to be submitted in accordance with assessment policy stated in the Subject Outline and Student Handbook.  It is the responsibility of the student who is submitting the work, to ensure that the work is in fact her/his own work. Incorporating another’s work or ideas into one’s own work without appropriate acknowledgement is an academic offence. Students should submit all assignments for plagiarism checking on Blackboard before final submission in the subject. For further details, please refer to the Subject Outline and Student Handbook.  Answer all questions.  Maximum marks available: 20 marks.  Due date of submission: Week 6, Friday at 5.00 p.m. 2 Case Study on Double Ink Printers Ltd (DIPL) Background Information You are a senior manager with Stewart and Kathy and you have been approached to undertake the audit of Double Ink Printers Ltd (DIPL)

Concepts of disability: Interaction between health conditions, environmental and personal factors in the lives of people experiencing disability. Disability: the lived experience:


Virtual teams are hard to get right (Ferrazzi, 2014). To get it right, there are four must-haves: the right team, the right leadership, the right touchpoints, and the right technology.

ANNA PARINI Managing Yourself Getting Virtual Teams Right by Keith Ferrazzi Virtual” teams—ones made up of people in different physical locations—are on the rise. As companies expand geographically and as telecommuting becomes more common, work groups often span farflung offices, shared workspaces, private homes, and hotel rooms. When my firm, Ferrazzi Greenlight, recently surveyed 1,700 knowledge workers, 79% reported working always or frequently in dispersed teams. Armed with laptops, Wi-Fi, and mobile phones, most professionals can do their jobs from anywhere. The appeal of forming virtual teams is clear. Employees can manage their work and personal lives more flexibly, and they have the opportunity to interact with colleagues around the world. Companies can use the best and lowest-cost global talent and significantly reduce their real estate costs. But virtual teams are hard to get right. In their seminal 2001 study of 70 such groups, professors Vijay Govindarajan and Anil Gupta fo