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Quantity theory of money

2000 words
Harvard referencing
graphs included

Harvard referencing

Assessment Task: an essay, explained below.  The word limit (for Sections 1 and 2 combined) is 2000 words (plus or minus 10%); this limit excludes the bibliography, and do not count any words in the three Charts such as axis labels or legend.
Unit Learning Outcomes Assessed:

LO1 – Explain the concepts of equilibrium and disequilibrium in macroeconomic modelling and analysis

LO2 – Research macroeconomic issues independently and explain the findings through a portfolio of work

LO5 – Evaluate macroeconomic data, trends and policy

Specification:   You are required to answer the questions in both sections 1 and 2 below; they are based on data downloaded on 2nd Sept 2017 from


Section 1 (30 marks) ( Graphs have already been done)

(a)  Use data in the coursework spreadsheet file on Moodle, to produce a chart showing the link between quantity of money (on the horizontal axis), and price level (on the vertical axis), for UK.

(b)  Use data in the coursework spreadsheet file on Moodle, to produce a similar chart for USA.

(c)  Use data in the coursework spreadsheet file on Moodle, to make a similar chart for the country allocated to you (in the spreadsheet on Moodle).


Section 2 (70 marks) ( Use Harvard Referencing)

Write an essay to answer all three of the following questions:

(a)  Explain the ‘Quantity Theory of Money’, and explain some recent discussions of this theory in textbooks and/or academic journals.

(b)  To what extent do your three charts from section 1 support, or reject, the ‘Quantity Theory of Money’?

(c)  Examine whether available evidence (including your charts) suggests a government can control inflation, by controlling the money supply.



Assessment Marking Criteria:

Assessment descriptor 0-39% 40-49% 50-59% 60-69% 70-85% 86-100


Explain the concepts of equilibrium and disequilibrium in macroeconomic modelling and analysis


Work fails to adequately explain the theoretical principles and models that underpin the question. There is little evidence of understanding of the core principles and an inability to formulate and communicate ideas Work partially addresses the underlying models and theoretical principles. There is a demonstration of an incomplete understanding of the core principles and ideas are not communicated in a clear and focused way Work addresses the key points of the models and principles but some errors and omissions remain. A good understanding of the key principles are communicated in a relatively logical and structured way Work addresses the key points of the models and principles well with few errors and omissions. Arguments are presented in a clear and systematic way Work fully addresses the key points of the models and principles and fully evaluates their main implications & limitations. Arguments are logical, systematic and clearly expressed Work fully addresses all the key points of the models and principles and fully evaluates their implications & limitations. A critical evaluation is also provided. Arguments are logical, systematic and clearly expressed.


Research macroeconomic issues independently and explain the findings through a portfolio of work

Work fails to apply macroeconomic principles to key issues and fails to assess the impact of policies on events. There is little evidence of further reading and research. Work that briefly relates macroeconomic principles to key issues and the effectiveness of policy is only addressed superficially.  Only essential material is covered. Work relates macroeconomic principles to key issues well and addresses the impact and effectiveness macroeconomic policies. There is evidence of further reading and research Work effectively relates macroeconomic principles to the main issues and addresses the impact of macroeconomic policies in a clear and appropriate way. Significant evidence of further reading/research Detailed work that very effectively relates macroeconomic principles to the main issues and evaluates fully the impact of macroeconomic policies. Clear evidence of wider reading and research utilizing up to date information Very detailed work that effectively relates macroeconomic principles to the main issues and critically evaluates the impact and effectiveness of macroeconomic policies. Evidence of substantial and up to date additional reading and research


Evaluate macroeconomic data, trends and policy


Little use of examples, evidence and data in support of key arguments. Fails to demonstrate the significance or importance of data. Answers characterised by irrelevance and brevity. Some use of examples, evidence and data in support of the key arguments although little evaluation of it is provided. Good use of examples, evidence and data in support of the key arguments. A competent  evaluation of the importance and quality of the data is provided. Very good use of examples, evidence and data in support of the main arguments. Work shows evidence of good and broad-based engagement with and understanding of the relevant material, organised in a clear and concise manner. Excellent use of wide ranging and up to date examples, evidence and data. Work that demonstrates authoritative understanding. It may provide independent insight, sophistication, or understanding of the issues involved Excellent use of wide ranging and up to date examples, evidence and data. Work that demonstrates critically authoritative understanding.  It will be rich in independent insight, sophistication, relevant information, & understanding of the issues involved.

3451-1 (3)



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