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The Constitution and Healthcare Which provisions in the Constitution give the federal government power to create, regulate, and mandate healthcare policies and according to whom?

DQ1 The Constitution and Healthcare Which provisions in the Constitution give the federal government power to create, regulate, and mandate healthcare policies and according to whom? Provide a news article or a congressional bill from the last four weeks to illustrate government actions in the policy area. Post by 11:55 pm Eastern Time on Friday, and provide substantive replies to your classmates by 11:55 pm Eastern Time on Sunday. Forum responses should be 300-500 words. Replies should be 150+ words. A 300-word post and 150-word replies are the minimum requirements to earn a grade of a "C" or higher, but they will not automatically result in an "A" for a grade. Review the rubric that's linked below for grading criteria before posting. DQ2 Constitutional Amendments Even though constitutional amendments are rare, there's often talk in America about changing the United States Constitution. Search recent news articles from the last two months and report on a story about an effort to amend the U.S. Constitution. Be sure to explain why an amendment would be needed rather than just a basic change in federal law. Post by 11:55 pm Eastern Time on Friday, and provide substantive replies to your classmates by 11:55 pm Eastern Time on Sunday. Forum responses should be 300-500 words. Replies should be 150+ words. A 300-word post and 150-word replies are the minimum requirements to earn a grade of a "C" or higher, but they will not automatically result in an "A" for a grade. Review the rubric that's linked below for grading criteria before posting. Week 2 forum DQ1 Public Opinion What influence does public opinion have on health care policy? Provide a recent (last eight weeks) poll or news article on healthcare policy illustrating the power of public opinion to affect policy. Post by 11:55 pm Eastern Time on Friday, and provide substantive replies to your classmates by 11:55 pm Eastern Time on Sunday. Forum responses should be 300-500 words. Replies should be 150+ words. A 300-word post and 150-word replies are the minimum requirements to earn a grade of a "C" or higher, but they will not automatically result in an "A" for a grade. Review the rubric that's linked below for grading criteria before posting. DQ2 Political Participation This forum has 2 parts, the first being required and the second being optional. Required (for grade): AFTER reading the Lesson 2 readings this week, which address numerous historical political campaigns, please answer the following question. Using concepts and terms from the readings, compare and contrast the 2008 and 2016 presidential election campaign tactics by reviewing one Democratic ad and one Republican ad from each election (four ads overall). Remember to analyze the ads. Don't simply describe them. (Because you will link to your ads, the rest of us can see for ourselves what they looked like). Leave out personal opinions, and stick to facts and concepts in the readings, which also should be cited where appropriate. Here are some web sources which you might want to consult: Optional (ungraded): Feel free to test your own political orientation (liberal, conservative, libertarian, populist) with this online survey. If so inclined, feel free to share your results. The site is: Post by 11:55 pm Eastern Time on Friday, and provide substantive replies to your classmates by 11:55 pm Eastern Time on Sunday. Forum responses should be 300-500 words. Replies should be 150+ words. A 300-word post and 150-word replies are the minimum requirements to earn a grade of a "C" or higher, but they will not automatically result in an "A" for a grade. Review the rubric that's linked below for grading criteria before posting. Week 3 forum DQ1 Congress and the Economy Evaluate from the last two months congressional actions on the economy. Find a recent news article explaining a bill, vote, action, or inaction by Congress, and explain how it’s allowable under the powers granted to them in the Constitution. Post by 11:55 pm Eastern Time on Friday, and provide substantive replies to your classmates by 11:55 pm Eastern Time on Sunday. Forum responses should be 300-500 words. Replies should be 150+ words. A 300-word post and 150-word replies are the minimum requirements to earn a grade of a "C" or higher, but they will not automatically result in an "A" for a grade. Review the rubric that's linked below for grading criteria before posting. DQ2 Bill Passage Congress now has some difficult times ahead - and some difficult decisions to make for the American people. After reading Lesson 3, answer the following question: Using a current bill, illustrate how a bill becomes a law in the federal government. Discuss how which steps the bill has already passed, and then explain which steps it has left to become a law. Please use the link below. Post by 11:55 pm Eastern Time on Friday, and provide substantive replies to your classmates by 11:55 pm Eastern Time on Sunday. Forum responses should be 300-500 words. Replies should be 150+ words. A 300-word post and 150-word replies are the minimum requirements to earn a grade of a "C" or higher, but they will not automatically result in an "A" for a grade. Review the rubric that's linked below for grading criteria before posting. Week 4 forum DQ1 The President and the Economy What powers does a president have to influence the economy? Illustrate these powers with a news article from the last four weeks. Post by 11:55 pm Eastern Time on Friday, and provide substantive replies to your classmates by 11:55 pm Eastern Time on Sunday. Forum responses should be 300-500 words. Replies should be 150+ words. A 300-word post and 150-word replies are the minimum requirements to earn a grade of a "C" or higher, but they will not automatically result in an "A" for a grade. Review the rubric that's linked below for grading criteria before posting. DQ2 Roles of the President Presidents play many roles. Using a news article from the last four weeks, demonstrate which is most important and why. Post by 11:55 pm Eastern Time on Friday, and provide substantive replies to your classmates by 11:55 pm Eastern Time on Sunday. Forum responses should be 300-500 words. Replies should be 150+ words. A 300-word post and 150-word replies are the minimum requirements to earn a grade of a "C" or higher, but they will not automatically result in an "A" for a grade. Review the rubric that's linked below for grading criteria before posting. Week 5 forum DQ1 Federal Courts and National Security What effect have the federal courts had on the government’s ability to enforce national security? Find a court case or news article from the last two months illustrating the effects of the federal courts on terrorism, immigration, or other issues related to national security. Post by 11:55 pm Eastern Time on Friday, and provide substantive replies to your classmates by 11:55 pm Eastern Time on Sunday. Forum responses should be 300-500 words. Replies should be 150+ words. A 300-word post and 150-word replies are the minimum requirements to earn a grade of a "C" or higher, but they will not automatically result in an "A" for a grade. Review the rubric that's linked below for grading criteria before posting. DQ2 The Supreme Court and Adjudication The task this week is to discuss how the Supreme Court determines which cases to hear, which cases not to take, and why. Select a recent Supreme Court case from "Recent Decisions" on the Supreme Court website, and explain why the Supreme Court accepted it for adjudication. In other words, explain the reason why the Supreme Court most likely accepted the case. (Don't get sidetracked into the details or personal opinions of the case). To assist in this assignment, please view the PowerPoint Presentation on the Supreme Court Process. Post by 11:55 pm Eastern Time on Friday, and provide substantive replies to your classmates by 11:55 pm Eastern Time on Sunday. Forum responses should be 300-500 words. Replies should be 150+ words. A 300-word post and 150-word replies are the minimum requirements to earn a grade of a "C" or higher, but they will not automatically result in an "A" for a grade. Review the rubric that's linked below for grading criteria before posting. Week 6 forum DQ1 The Federal Bureaucracy and National Security National security responsibilities fall across many entities in the federal government. Which department, agency or bureau has the most influence and why? Include a recent news article from the last two months illustrating it in action. Post by 11:55 pm Eastern Time on Friday, and provide substantive replies to your classmates by 11:55 pm Eastern Time on Sunday. Forum responses should be 300-500 words. Replies should be 150+ words. A 300-word post and 150-word replies are the minimum requirements to earn a grade of a "C" or higher, but they will not automatically result in an "A" for a grade. Review the rubric that's linked below for grading criteria before posting. DQ2 The Fourth Branch? The federal bureaucracy is sometimes referred to as the "fourth branch" of the government because it wields significant power. Using a news article from the last four weeks that demonstrates this power, evaluate the bureaucracy as a co-equal branch of the federal government. Why or why isn't it a "fourth branch"? Post by 11:55 pm Eastern Time on Friday, and provide substantive replies to your classmates by 11:55 pm Eastern Time on Sunday. Forum responses should be 300-500 words. Replies should be 150+ words. A 300-word post and 150-word replies are the minimum requirements to earn a grade of a "C" or higher, but they will not automatically result in an "A" for a grade. Review the rubric that's linked below for grading criteria before posting. Week 7 forum DQ1 Government in Action Our research has looked at healthcare, the economy, and national security. What’s an important issue that we’ve missed, and what is the government doing to address it? Include a recent news article from the last four weeks to illustrate the government action on this issue. Post by 11:55 pm Eastern Time on Friday, and provide substantive replies to your classmates by 11:55 pm Eastern Time on Sunday. Forum responses should be 300-500 words. Replies should be 150+ words. A 300-word post and 150-word replies are the minimum requirements to earn a grade of a "C" or higher, but they will not automatically result in an "A" for a grade. Review the rubric that's linked below for grading criteria before posting. DQ2 Public Policy Select one of the following public policy issues and assess its effectiveness. What changes may be needed and why? 1) Federal education policies (Every Student Succeeds, Race to the Top, and College- and Career-Ready Standards); 2) Corporate subsidies; 3) Outsourcing. Post by 11:55 pm Eastern Time on Friday, and provide substantive replies to your classmates by 11:55 pm Eastern Time on Sunday. Forum responses should be 300-500 words. Replies should be 150+ words. A 300-word post and 150-word replies are the minimum requirements to earn a grade of a "C" or higher, but they will not automatically result in an "A" for a grade. Review the rubric that's linked below for grading criteria before posting. Week 8 forum Interest Groups Select an issue that's important in America today, and choose an interest group that has taken on that issue. What tactics and methods do they use to influence the Congress and the president? Make sure to include a news article from the last four weeks of this group in action. Do not get sidetracked in discussions about the issue they support. Stay focused on their tactics and methods. Post by 11:55 pm Eastern Time on Friday, and provide substantive replies to your classmates by 11:55 pm Eastern Time on Sunday. Forum responses should be 300-500 words. Replies should be 150+ words. A 300-word post and 150-word replies are the minimum requirements to earn a grade of a "C" or higher, but they will not automatically result in an "A" for a grade. Review the rubric that's linked below for grading criteria before posting. Week 3 assignment An important purpose of this assignment is to examine what the different branches and layers of government do to address a policy using a current issue to illustrate it. Complete a research essay on the government and healthcare. Remember this is being written for the president to read. The U.S. healthcare system has been a controversial topic for decades. Here are the aspects and questions to address for this essay: Identify a current issue being debated about the American healthcare system. Explain two competing solutions to this problem. Evaluate which one is preferable. Address the responsibilities of each level of government, which are federal, state, and local. (Most of the essay will be about the federal government). Make sure, per the rubric, to differentiate among the three branches of the federal government. REQUIREMENTS: 500 word minimum and 600 word maximum length, not including references listed at the end or footnotes if used. Incorporation of concepts and terms from the required readings. Inclusion of facts from a recent news article about the topic/solution. Correct spelling, grammar, and formatting, whether it's APA, MLA, or Chicago/Turabian. See the essay rubric for further details on grading. Writing tips: 1) Write concisely! More is not necessarily better if the required points from the rubric are missed. A 500-word essay can earn an "A," while a 700 word essay may lose points for going too long. 2) Essays should be written in the third person perspective. (Avoid using "I, me, my, mine, we, us, our, you, your"). Week 5 assignment An important purpose of this assignment is to examine what the different branches and layers of government do to address a policy using a current issue to illustrate it. Complete a research essay on the government and national security. Remember this is being written for the president to read. Here are the aspects and questions to address for this essay: Identify a current issue being debated about American national security. Explain two competing solutions to this problem. Evaluate which one is preferable. Address the responsibilities of each level of government, which are federal, state, and local. (Most of the essay will be about the federal government). Make sure, per the rubric, to differentiate among the three branches of the federal government. REQUIREMENTS: 500 word minimum and 600 word maximum length, not including references listed at the end or footnotes if used. Incorporation of concepts and terms from the required readings. Inclusion of facts from a recent news article about the topic/solution. Correct spelling, grammar, and formatting, whether it's APA, MLA, or Chicago/Turabian. See the essay rubric for further details on grading. Writing tips: 1) Write concisely! More is not necessarily better if the required points from the rubric are missed. A 500-word essay can earn an "A," while a 700 word essay may lose points for going too long. 2) Essays should be written in the third person perspective. (Avoid using "I, me, my, mine, we, us, our, you, your"). Power point presentation assignment This is the last piece of your class project. Imagine the presentation has been approved by the president and will be publicly published to sell the president's ideas. See the overview of the project for a refresher on the purpose. Take your research from the essays and present it in a multimedia presentation using PowerPoint. Here's a link to instructions on using PowerPoint if you're new to it. (Open Office can also be used to create PowerPoint presentations, even if you don't have Microsoft Office). REQUIREMENTS A title slide and reference slide. Each topic will have a four-slide minimum to explain the problem, illustrate the competing solutions, and explain why one is better. At least one use of animation and one sound should be used within the final product. For detailed grading criteria, read through the presentation rubric. After submitting the presentation, please upload it also to the Week 8 ungraded forum to show it off and comment on the work of your classmates. (Optional). Week 1 quiz Question 1 of 10 Which concept is specifically written in the Bill of Rights? A. separation of church and state B. protection from offensive language C. the right to healthcare D. the right of the people to keep and bear arms Question 2 of 10 What is government? A. the way a society organizes itself and allocates authority B. the method to control a population C. a system of distributing goods to people D. the ultimate authority over people Question 3 of 10 Article 6, Clause 2 of the US Constitution is referred to as the “Supremacy Clause.” What is this? A. It refers to the Supreme Court having final say over any law enacted by Congress. B. It refers to Congress being the primary branch of government regarding law-making. C. It refers to the president being the leader of the Executive Branch. D. It refers to federal laws having precedence over any state law. Question 4 of 10 Which statement about the balance of power between the federal and state governments is most accurate? A. The federal government is always losing power. B. The balance of power is the same as when the Constitution was first ratified. C. The United States now has a national system and not a federal system. D. It is dynamic with power sometimes leaning toward the states and sometimes towards the federal government. Question 5 of 10 Which form of federalism consists of the federal and state governments working together on issues? A. cooperative B. dual C. layer-cake D. nationalism Question 6 of 10 What was the name of the USA's first form of government? A. The US Constitution B. The Declaration of Independence C. The Emancipation Proclamation D. The Articles of Confederation Question 7 of 10 Clean air, clean water, safe streets, and national security are often cited as examples of what? A. Utopia B. public goods C. conflicting national priorities D. primarily private responsibilities Question 8 of 10 How many different and specific governments are there in the United States? A. There's only the American government. B. Counting states and the federal government, there are 51. C. Including the states, the federal government, and Washington DC, there are 52. D. Including states, cities, counties, federal, and others, there are more than 80,000. Question 9 of 10 What system of government does the United States have? A. liberal B. republic C. democracy D. capitalism Question 10 of 10 What does “separation of powers” mean? A. This concept has to do with the national military Services relative to the states’ National Guards. B. Based on the 10th Amendment, the federal government has one set of powers, and anything not specified for it in the Constitution reverts to the states. C. This concept has to do with spreading power among three branches of government so no one branch would have unitary power. D. This is what is causing the partisanship in Congress – having two chambers (i.e., House and Senate) with different powers. Week 2 quiz Question 1 of 10 What is the most practical description of the US party system? A. proportional representation B. multiparty C. non-partisan D. two-party Question 2 of 10 What type of principle says the winner of a state or congressional election is the person who gets the most votes? A. majority rules B. Electoral College C. plurality voting D. minority voting Question 3 of 10 What is NOT a purpose of a professional politician's campaign? A. It's to accurately portray candidates so voters can make the best choice. B. It's to develop and control the image of a candidate. C. It's to portray the opposing candidate in a bad light. D. It's to win an election. Question 4 of 10 Which is NOT considered a legitimate form of civic engagement? A. voting B. terrorism C. contacting a government official D. volunteering Question 5 of 10 Which type of election is used for parties to choose their candidates? A. federal B. runoff C. primary D. gubernatorial Question 6 of 10 Which party is least likely to support government-mandated environmental regulations? A. Green Party B. Democratic Party C. Libertarian Party D. Socialist Party Question 7 of 10 Which characteristic is NOT true of America’s political culture today? A. greater acceptance of differences in people B. decreasing trust in government C. greater racial and ethnic diversity D. increasing focus on traditional Christian values Question 8 of 10 Which statement about voter turnout rates is true? A. Whites are least likely to vote. B. Voter turnout roughly the same for each election. C. Men are twice as likely to vote as women. D. The young have lower voting rates than the elderly. Question 9 of 10 What's a name for any American political party other than the two major parties? A. third party B. majority party C. insignificant party D. wasted-vote party Question 10 of 10 Which statement about the US party system is most accurate? A. Presidents must be from either the Democratic Party or the Republican Party. B. The Constitution never mentions political parties. C. Parties are not concerned with winning elections. D. Voters must declare membership in a political party to vote. Week 3 quiz Question 1 of 10 What is main purpose of taxes? A. promote fairness B. modify citizen behavior C. provide funds to run the government D. subsidize jobs Question 2 of 10 What is the title of the presiding officer of the House of Representative? A. Majority Whip B. Majority Leader C. Chief Justice D. Speaker of the House Question 3 of 10 What is the filibuster? A. a procedure in the House to pass a proposed bill B. a procedure that takes advantage of the Senate's open debate rules to defeat or delay a bill . C. a procedure in the House to defeat or delay a bill D. a procedure in conference committees to pass a bill Question 4 of 10 Floor debate in the two chambers of Congress is most accurately described as: A. Governed by the same rules. B. Governed by different rules, with the House allowing for unlimited debate and the Senate having specific rules for debate. C. Governed by no rules; anyone can speak in the order in which they sign up. D. Governed by different rules, with the House having specific rules for debate and the Senate allowing unlimited debate. Question 5 of 10 Over which factor in budget policy does Congress have little control? A. actions of other countries in their trade and tax policy B. amount of money allocated for programs C. taxation rates D. beginning and ending dates for programs Question 6 of 10 What is cloture? A. a French word meaning “guillotine” B. a vote in the Senate to end a filibuster requiring 60 votes C. a vote in the Senate to end a filibuster requiring 51 votes D. a vote in the House to end a filibuster Question 7 of 10 In the Senate, this person determines which legislation goes to the floor for consideration, oversees the legislative agenda, and is the leader with the most power. A. The Majority Leader B. The Minority Leader C. president pro tempore D. Clerk of the Senate Question 8 of 10 How does Congress primarily affect the economy of the United States? A. They mandate prices and wages. B. They provide jobs. C. They determine tax rates and fund programs. D. They can overrule Supreme Court decisions on legislation. Question 9 of 10 A member in the House of Representatives may serve: A. Four year terms with no term limit. B. Four year terms with a term limit of eight years. C. Two year terms with a term limit of eight years. D. Two year terms with no term limit. Question 10 of 10 Who is the President of the Senate? A. The Secretary of State B. The Vice President C. The current Chair of the Senate Ways and Means Committee D. The Senate Majority Leader Week 4 quiz Question 1 of 10 Which of the following can a president do through executive order? A. Mandate a higher wage for federal employees. B. Require the Supreme Court to hear a case. C. Force Congress to repeal a law. D. Raise federal income taxes. Question 2 of 10 Which is a power of the president to determine immigration policy? A. Provide U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement with instructions and priorities for deportation of immigrants residing illegally in the U.S. B. Ignore a federal law if the law appears unconstitutional. C. Ban people of certain religions from applying for citizenship. D. Pass legislative funding for a border wall. Question 3 of 10 Which of the following is the most accurate description of how a president is chosen? A. A national popular election chooses the president by direct vote. B. State legislatures choose electors for the Electoral College, and then the Electoral College chooses the president. C. States and Washington DC hold popular elections to choose electors for the Electoral College, and then the Electoral College chooses the president. D. State governors choose electors for the Electoral College, and then the Electoral College chooses the president. Question 4 of 10 When does the House of Representatives choose the president? A. If no candidate gets a majority in the Electoral College. B. If no candidate gets a majority of the national vote. C. If a president dies in office and the vice president declines the office. D. If the Electoral College is not in session. Question 5 of 10 Which is NOT true about impeachment of a president? A. Bill Clinton and Andrew Johnson are the only presidents ever impeached. B. No president has ever been convicted by the Senate. C. Richard Nixon was not impeached. D. A president will be impeached for breaking campaign promises. Question 6 of 10 Which is a military power of the president? A. Declare war on another country. B. Mandate the budget for the U.S. military. C. Deploy troops in an emergency situation. D. Push "the button" to launch nuclear weapons. Question 7 of 10 Who was the last president to receive a and actual formal declaration of war from Congress? A. Ronald Reagan B. George W. Bush C. Lyndon Johnson D. Franklin Roosevelt Question 8 of 10 Which NOT true of the Electoral College system? A. States have equal say in choosing the president. B. Larger states have greater influence in choosing a president. C. The clout of smaller states is boosted compared to a direct election system. D. A president can receive majority of electoral votes while receiving fewer actual citizen votes than an opponent. Question 9 of 10 Which of the following is not a duty of the US president? A. Determine the constitutionality of laws. B. Appoint justices to the Supreme Court. C. Propose a budget to Congress. D. Enforce and execute federal laws. Question 10 of 10 Which action is least likely to be taken by an “imperial” president? A. Order troops without congressional authorization. B. Defer to Congress on policy disagreements. C. Unilaterally modify drug policy through executive order. D. Selectively enforce policies based on personal politics. Week 5 quiz Question 1 of 10 The United States court system is best considered to be: A. populist B. presidential C. adversarial D. parliamentary Question 2 of 10 Congress plays a role in the federal courts that includes: A. Authorizing all federal courts below the Supreme Court. B. Approving the federal courts’ budget. C. Defining the jurisdiction of the federal courts. D. All of the above Question 3 of 10 Federal judges are nominated by the president and confirmed by: A. The Supreme Court B. The Vice President C. The House of Representatives D. The Senate Question 4 of 10 Which types of cases are decided by federal courts? A. criminal cases B. civil cases C. neither criminal nor civil cases D. both criminal and civil cases Question 5 of 10 What is the difference between civil liberties and civil rights? A. There is no difference. B. Liberties are more closely related to freedoms, and rights are more closely related to equal treatment. C. Civil rights replaced civil liberties during the Civil Rights Movement. D. Liberties are more closely related to equal treatment, and rights are more closely related to freedoms. Question 6 of 10 The majority of legal disputes in the United States are resolved in: A. Separate state courts in each of the 50 states B. Trial courts by jury trial C. United States District Courts D. Magistrates Courts Question 7 of 10 What is is the power of courts to review the actions of government officials to determine whether they are constitutional? A. constitutional testing B. power of the purse C. judicial precedent D. judicial review Question 8 of 10 What is the Supreme Court test for whether or not a law violate the Establishment Clause? A. The Lemon Test B. The Wall of Separation Test C. The Religious Freedom Test D. The Westboro Test Question 9 of 10 Thousands of petitions for review are presented to the Supreme Court each year, and the Court typically accepts: A. approximately half of the cases B. approximately one third of the cases C. over 1,500 D. around 100 Question 10 of 10 Which term best describes "stare decisis"? A. precedent B. activism C. overturn D. reinterpret Week 6 quiz Question 1 of 10 Which method of selection is used to choose civil servants? A. merit B. patronage C. seniority D. executive privilege Question 2 of 10 Which statement about Social Security is the most accurate? A. The program invests in primarily in stocks. B. Americans can opt out of the program and invest independently. C. Working Americans are part of Social Security whether they want or not, but they can still invest independently and privately in addition to Social Security. D. The program has worked flawlessly with no additional tax increases to fund it since it started. Question 3 of 10 What is the policy alliance called between interest groups, Congressional committees, and bureaucratic agencies? A. iron triangle B. unholy alliance C. normal politics D. crony capitalism Question 4 of 10 Which is the oldest department in the executive branch? A. Energy B. State C. Education D. Homeland Security Question 5 of 10 Which branch of government can affect the operation of the federal bureaucracy? A. The judicial branch can affect it through court decisions. B. The legislative branch can affect it through passing new laws. C. The executive branch can affect it through executive orders and appointments from the president. D. All three branches can affect the bureaucracy. Question 6 of 10 What type of agency is the CIA? A. regulatory B. government corporation C. shared D. independent Question 7 of 10 What has happened to the size of the federal bureaucracy since the ratification of the Constitution? A. It has grown in size and scope. B. It has shrunk in size and scope. C. It has grown in size, but narrowed in scope. D. It's identical to the days of George Washington. Question 8 of 10 Which is NOT a recommendation to make the bureaucracy more responsive? A. limiting appointments to 6-12 years B. rotating professionals between agencies and from outside C. making department heads elected positions. D. making it easier to fire a bureaucrat Question 9 of 10 The Attorney General heads which Cabinet Department? A. Department of Defense B. Department of Homeland Security C. Department of Justice D. The Attorney General is not part of the Cabinet. Question 10 of 10 What can be learned from the USDA and FDA controversies? A. Bureaucrats are immune from public pressure since they are not elected. B. Bureaucracies simply implement laws as written with no room for interpretation. C. Bureaucratic rules and regulations can have as much influence on Americans as laws passed by Congress. D. The bureaucracy is too large. Week 7 quiz Question 1 of 10 Which regulatory branch of the federal government has the greatest influence on policy for the mass media? A. Central Intelligence Agency B. Federal Election Commission C. Federal Communications Commission D. Ministry of Communications Question 2 of 10 Which statement about social and economic policy is the most accurate? A. Social and economic policies are clearly independent of each other. B. Being a free society, the U.S. only has economic policies and isn't involved in the social order. C. It can be difficult to distinguish between social and economic policy, such as providing cash and food assistance to poor Americans. D. Healthcare policy is neither a social nor an economic policy. Question 3 of 10 Which stage of the policy process entails putting a new law into action? A. implementation B. formulation C. agenda-setting D. evaluation Question 4 of 10 From which source of tax revenue does most federal funding come? A. payroll taxes B. corporate taxes C. individual income taxes D. excise taxes Question 5 of 10 "Corporate welfare” is typically opposed by each of the following groups except: A. fiscal conservatives B. liberal Democrats C. business executives D. libertarians Question 6 of 10 What is the term used to broadly categorize most policies based on their goals or the sector of society they affect? A. analysts B. arenas C. makers D. evaluators Question 7 of 10 Which is the correct ordering of the policymaking process? A. agenda-setting, policy formulation, implementation, evaluation B. mobilization, action, reaction C. policy formulation, evaluation, implementation, agenda-setting D. crisis, accommodation, feedback, resolution, crisis Question 8 of 10 Which policy type led to the construction of the Hoover Dam? A. redistributive B. distributive C. social D. justice Question 9 of 10 To what does the term "public policy" refer? A. laws passed by Congress B. executive orders from the president C. Supreme Court decisions D. all governmental programs, rules, and courses of action Question 10 of 10 What is a side effect of a policy that may be detrimental to the policy's intentions, such as lower tax revenues from a steep tax rate increase? A. incomplete policy B. reverse results C. unintended consequence D. none of the above Week 8 quiz Question 1 of 10 What is the status quo? A. a populist revolt that replaces the corrupt elites B. keeping things as is C. lack compassion for the underprivileged members of society D. supply side economic theory Question 2 of 10 A movement that starts from the bottom up rather than top down is called what? A. grassroots B. public interest C. direct D. trade association Question 3 of 10 Political action committees: A. are usually run by liberal Democrats. B. are the perfect example of the inherently evil nature of the American political system. C. are usually dominated by wealthy white males. D. make donations to political campaigns. Question 4 of 10 What is money that interests can spend on behalf of candidates without being restricted by federal law? A. bribes B. hard money C. none of the above D. soft money Question 5 of 10 The formation of an interest group in response to a perceived need is known as: A. pluralism B. corporatism C. the logic of collective action D. disturbance theory Question 6 of 10 Political action committees are most likely to donate to: A. Democratic incumbents. B. state party organizations. C. Republican challengers. D. incumbents of both major political parties. Question 7 of 10 Which group theory claims that groups form in opposition to other groups? A. disturbance theory B. logic of collective action C. democratic theory D. pluralism Question 8 of 10 If an individual benefits from the activities of an organization but does not contribute to the organization, it is known as: A. an interest group entrepreneur. B. systemic bias. C. the free rider problem. D. personal lobbying. Question 9 of 10 Which concept assumes that elections determine who governs and what policies will be enacted into law? A. Marxism B. direct representation theory C. democratic theory D. none of the above Question 10 of 10 Which of the following can be said about interest groups? A. They can be beneficial. B. They can be detrimental. C. Neither A nor B D. Both A and B


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chapter one Introduction A ‘‘Largely Ignored Paradox’’ The u.s. supreme court has famously labeled copyright ‘‘the engine of free expression.’’1 Copyright law, the Court tells us, provides a vital economic incentive for the creation and distribution of much of the literature, commentary, music, art, and film that makes up our public discourse. Yet copyright also burdens speech. We often copy or build upon another’s words, images, or music to convey our own ideas effectively. We cannot do that if a copyright holder withholds permission or insists upon a license fee that is beyond our means. And copyright does not extend merely to literal copying. It can also prevent parodying, remolding, critically dissecting, or incorporating portions of existing expression into a new, independently created work. Consider The Wind Done Gone, a recent, best-selling novel by African American writer Alice Randall. Randall’s novel revisits the setting and characters of Margaret Mitchell’s classic Civil War

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  Module 7: Theatre Now: Steps Toward Diversity Chapter Questions Read Chapter 9 “Musicals of the Twenty-First Century” (pages 244 to 246) and Chapter 10 (pages 247 to 260) in your textbook. Choose only 5 of these questions to answer. Write your answers in your own words; if you choose to quote from the textbook, remember to identify the source. Question # Chapter Questions 1 9 Explain how Broadway musicals have changed in the 21st century. 2 9 Explain why HAMILTON is considered “a cultural monument?” 3 10 Identify the current focus/topics of the American theatre’s social awareness. 4 10 Give an example of how current theatre is addressing inequality in each of these areas: (a) gender and sexuality (b) racism (c) access to theatre for people with disabilities 5 10 How has theatre moved from its pre-1960s attitude that plays must not be open about the Love that dare not speak its name? [This expression was first used by Lord Alfred Douglas in his 1894 poem, “Two Loves” written in refere

CBS Undercover Boss website

  Go to the CBS   Undercover Boss   website and search for a full episode of the show. Imagine you are the CEO of the company in the selected episode.  please do this with 2 pages Provide a detailed comparison of two job positions from the episode. Perform a job analysis of each position. Provide a clear, detailed description of your method of collecting the information for the job analysis. Examples include one-on-one, interview, or survey. Create a detailed job description from the two positions you analyzed. Provide clear, conclusive rationale for why the job analyses and job descriptions comply with state and federal regulations. Support your propositions, assertions, arguments, or conclusions with at least three credible, relevant, and appropriate sources synthesized in a coherent analysis. Cite each source on your source list at least once within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the  library  or review  library guides . Write clearly and conc