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Individual Portfolio Assessment

BM3399 Strategic Management 2013-14

Individual Portfolio Assessment Instructions




The final assessment for this module is 50% individual coursework, submitted as a single portfolio document via the Turnitin on Blackboard (go to the Coursework Submission page). A portfolio is a way of integrating some of your learning on this module into a single resource that can subsequently be shared by you with potential employers, demonstrating your capabilities.


The purpose of the portfolio is to create a body of work that applies learning from this module to Walt Disney Company the group coursework assessment in Teaching Period 1.It is designed to build upon your the strategic analysis completed as the group coursework assessment in Teaching Period 1, to focus upon the IMPLEMENTATION of chosen strategic objectives.

Please note that due to the complexity of the assignment, and the size limitations, it is recommended that when discussing Walt DISNEY company you select only one SBU. If in doubt please contact the Module Leader.




Module Learning Outcomes


This assessment considers the following Module Learning Outcomes, whereupon its successful students will be able to:


Professional Skills

  • P3 – Communicate complex concepts in a clear, evidence-based and compelling manner
  • P4 – Consider and judge alternative views, offering a sound rationale for their subsequent use


Intellectual Skills

  • I2 – Critique existing strategic management practices within the scope of the taught theory, suggesting alternative approaches for consideration
  • I3 – Advocate a strategically informed position when considering complex business situations




Knowledge & Understanding

  • K1 – Demonstrate knowledge, comprehension and application of the taught theory through active and consistent contribution to the individual portfolio.
  • K3 – Fuse the analytical with the creative to produce informed, innovative and integrated strategy management outputs


Transferable Skills

  • T1 – Create, develop and design strategic plans in a case study based practical application of the taught theory


Webfolio components



Learning Outcomes (see Module Outline)


Lecture Week

Weighting as a percentage of total Module marks

Critically evaluate existing strategic management practices within the scope of the taught theory, suggesting alternative approaches for consideration.


(P3, K1)



Critically evaluate the organisation’s current governance arrangements. Judge the alternative views of stakeholders offering a sound rationale for their role in the future organisation.


(P3, K1)



Recommend strategically informed adjustments to organisation’s existing value chain/network.


(P3, K1)

17 & 18


Fuse the analytical with the creative to produce recommendations to facilitate strategic change through culture and leadership activities.


(P3, K1)

15 & 19


Design a timescaled implementation plan (possibly in Gantt chart format) that takes account of operational limitations (resources and competencies) and strategic priorities.


(P3, K1)

16 & 20






Additional assessment criteria for all components


There is no specific allocation of marks to these additional assessment criteria. You are awarded an overall mark for each of the assessment components.



Provide a clear context for the organisation: its name, background, location, size, objectives, activities and markets in which it currently operates.


Use of evidence and examples

Appraisals are supported with clear evidence and examples demonstrating specific knowledge. Discussion is driven by the specific practical circumstances of your work experience or coursework assignment, and clear evidence is provided for the problems, issues and weaknesses identified.


Level of reflection and analysis

Provides a critical reflection and analysis rather than simply a narrative description of your work. Identifies causes and effects of strengths and weaknesses, and identifies methods and strategies for improvement.


Use of theory

Theory is explicitly used to analyse your work experience and to draw out implications. Theory is used to support rather than dominate your appraisal. Theory used is relevant to the circumstances and context of your work experience. Key terms and theoretical concepts are explained. Shows understanding of the usefulness of theory. Proper referencing of literature used.


Appropriateness of recommendations

Recommendations are explicitly stated and arise clearly from the analysis. Explains how the recommendations will solve the problems, issues and weaknesses identified. Theory and case-study examples are used to produce recommendations where appropriate.


Clarity of writing and structure of appraisal

Appraisal is well written, with a clear structure to the discussion. Use of sub-sections and clear rationale for the sections. Relevance of content to the section headings. Integration of the different sections into a coherent structure. Explanation of the structure and clear direction given to the reader throughout. Appraisals do not exceed the respective word limit (word count variation greater than +/-10% is not allowed).



Presentation and structure of your portfolio


The required word count is 850-950 for each component with a tolerance of plus or minus 10% (i.e. 800-1,100 words). The total portfolio should number 5,000 words with a tolerance of plus or minus 10% (i.e. 4,500-5,500 words). Please state the word count at the end of your response to each component.


You may include an introduction to your webfolio or homepage, and any supplementary material as appendices (e.g. organisation charts, process diagrams, job descriptions etc.), which do not have to be included in the word count for your appraisal components. However if you use tables to summarise information in your components, these must be included in the word count. Full references to any literature must be provided, with proper referencing made in the text. Your bibliography is not included in the word count.


It is up to you how to structure and present your portfolio. However please DO NOT identify yourself by name or add a personal photograph. This is in order to protect your anonymity for assessment purposes


Completeness of the portfolio

All necessary information is present, including supplementary material referred to in your appraisals, and full references to literature are provided.


Structure of the portfolio

Learning is integrated into one portfolio, which is easy to navigate between the different sections.


Attractiveness of presentation

The text formatting and spacing make the portfolio attractive and easy to read.






In order to submit your portfolio for feedback and assessment, you need to send it via Turnitin.


You will be given an opportunity to gain formative feedback on ONE Executive Summary (maximum 500 words) of your portfolio. This is available on a first come first served basis and we will endeavour to respond within 5 working days. A member of the teaching team will provide brief written feedback under three headings: aspects that are of a good quality; aspects that are adequate and would benefit from some reworking; aspects that need substantial improvement. It will not be possible to provide an indicative grade given the brief nature of the Executive Summary. In the event that a large number of students submit their drafts close to the deadline then the teaching team cannot commit to responding to every request. You are encouraged to manage your time and submit the draft as early as possible in TP2.



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