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Showing posts from September, 2017

system analysis and design

                         This case study is to be used throughout this Session, to answer questions in set activities, which will be compiled into a report. Part A of this report, an “Initial Investigation” is to be submitted at the end of Week 6 (Thursday 17th August 2017). The final report (including your Part A adjusted after marker feedback) is to be submitted in Week 12 (Thursday 28th September 2017). You should use all relevant parts of the case study to inform your answers for the report.   Make sure you read the entire case study before you start any of the tasks.  There is information in the later sections that will help you with some of the things you need to do in the earlier parts.  Don’t discount information as not being relevant because it falls later in the case study.  During analysis and design information could be important at any stages regardless of when it was gathered.           Case Study Part 1   Good Health

masters of accounting

Assignment 3 Requirement   Assignment 3 Reflective writing aims to get you to think about your learning and understand your learning experiences.   When students writing Assignment 3 need to follow steps:   Evaluate the effectiveness and your usefulness of the learning experience   Make judgements that are clearly connected to observations you have made. Answer the questions:   What is your opinion about learning experience? What is the value of this experience?   Explain how this learning process will be useful to you   Consider: In what ways might this learning experience serve you in:   course program future career life generally   Answer the question: ‘How you will transfer or apply your new knowledge and insights in the future?’   Describe objectively what happened in the learning process   Give the details of what happened in the learning process. Answer the question: ‘What you did, read, see, and hear?   Evaluate what you learn   Make

cross culture management

 PLEASE CHECK THE ASSIGMENT 1, The focus of this assignment is to draw upon your analysis of national culture of two countries in Assignment 1 to develop an assessment of similarities and differences in managerial processes and organisational culture which an international manager can expect to encounter in these two countries. Issues you may wish to examine could include how culture affects individualism versus group orientation, communications, decision-making, autocratic versus delegated leadership, superior-subordinate relationships and managing teams. In the report utilise appropriate academic theories about cross-cultural management to create frameworks to support your proposals. Utilise similar information sources that were utilised in Assignment 1. You may find some added benefit in obtaining information of the operations, and possibly any international activities, of major organisations in the two countries that are being compared. Assessment Item 2 Description/Focus: The f

. Method of submission – online, uploaded to iLearn. IMPORTANT:

Take Home assignment Weight: 20% Take Home Assignment questions released on 6 October 2017 at 12 noon. Due date: 9 October 2017 at 16:00 via ilearn/Turnitin Submission: Format of submission – Microsoft Word document, 12 point type, double spaced. Method of submission – online, uploaded to iLearn. IMPORTANT: After receiving your first Turnitin report, it takes at least 24 hours for a subsequent report to be received. Please avoid requesting for the second report to avoid a situation in which your work would be submitted late Word limit 1,500 words. Estimated student workload: 10 hours Task Overview: • Your written response to this assignment must include an essay format explaining any Take Home assignment Weight: 20% Take Home Assignment questions released on 6 October 2017 at 12 noon. Due date: 9 October 2017 at 16:00 via ilearn/Turnitin Submission: Format of submission – Microsoft Word document, 12 point type, double spaced. Method of submission – online, uploaded to iLear

Resources under Main Menu in Interact 2 go to Assignment 5 Folder

Task Instructions From Resources under Main Menu in Interact 2 go to Assignment 5 Folder The ‘assignments’ database file will be made available on Interact2 Resources under Assessments folder. Use MySQL software to complete this assignment. Follow the instructions on ‘how to import a database into MySQL.: your teacher will also demonstrate this during class. Use this (imported) database ‘assignment5 to complete your assignment using MySQL. A choice of another software may be possible after consultation with your teacher. Write SQL statements to answer the following questions from the ‘assignment5’ database file. 1. Show sums of line totals for each invoice. 2. Locate the record in the vendor table that does not have a value for the attribute V_STATE 3. Find the customers whose balance is greater than 200 but less than 300. 4. Using natural join and having. list the customers whose invoice total is greater than 200 5. Show the names of the customers for whom we have invoice

You are to prepare and submit Assessment 3 as an individual. based on the Virtucon/Globex scenario. and your peer to peer leaming from Assessment 2

Task You are to prepare and submit Assessment 3 as an individual. based on the Virtucon/Globex scenario. and your peer to peer leaming from Assessment 2 You are required to develop a charter for the Project including: Include the Project description and overview you developed as part of Assessment 2. Part One: MOV – Measurable Organisational Value (This is the goal of the project and is utilised to define the value that your team project will bring to your client) • Identify the desired area of impact – Rank the following areas in terms of importance: Strategy / Customer! Financial / Operational / Social • Wth reference to your project identify one or two of the following types of value: • Better – is improving quality important to your client? • Faster – does your client want to increase efficiency? • Cheaper – is cutting costs important? • Do more – does your client want to continue its growth? • Develop an appropriate metric – this sets the target and expectation of all


UNIT CODE: ACT204 UNIT NAME: FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING Assignment Information Semester 2 2017 Assessment 20% Submission Requirements. This assignment is to be submitted before 11.59pm Friday 6th October in Week 11 Assignments are to be submitted by one of the following means; DO NOT LODGE BY FAX nor EMAIL nor at LECTURER’S OFFICE KEEP A COPY • The assignment must be lodged on or before the due date indicated in the assignment details. Only word docs and/or Excel converted to pdf will be acceptable. Handwritten answers will be rejected.- • The assignment must conform to the requirements set out in this assignment • The assignment must be lodged online via the ACT204 Learnline Assignment Lodgement link on the ACT204 Learnline site. Ensure your file is named using a file naming convention that allows the lecturer to identify to whom it belongs. Failure to use an acceptable file naming convention may result in your assignment lodgment being rejected. • DO NOT LODGE VIA EMAILor FAX –