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Showing posts from January, 2018

HI5020 Corporate Accounting Assessment item 2 — Assignment

HI5020 Corporate Accounting Assessment item 2 — Assignment Due date: 11.00pm Friday Week 10 Weighting: 20% Assessment task In the file “Find Your Company” you will find the listed company you have been given for this course. This file will be made available on Friday of Week 4. Complete this assignment for the company you have been given. Please be careful to use the listed company you have been given. Your assignment will not be marked if you use a different company to the one you have been given; and you will be asked to resubmit your assignment using the right company. Go to the website of your company, by clicking on the URL next to your company in the list of companies in the file “Your Company”. Then go to the Investor Relations section of the website. This section may be called, “Investors”, “Shareholder Information” or similar name. In this section, go to your firm’s annual reports and save to your computer your firm’s latest annual report. For example, these may be date

business project

The post business project appeared first on assignmentbest . CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER………………………NO PLAGIARISM Get 100% Original papers from the writing experts CLICK HERE TO GET A PROFESSIONAL WRITER TO WORK ON THIS PAPER AND OTHER SIMILAR PAPERS, GET A NON PLAGIARIZED PAPER FROM OUR EXPERTS……

Employment Law

‘Safeguarding employees against disability discrimination in the workplace is paramount for ensuring a just and equitable working environment.’ In light of this comment, critically discuss the effectiveness of legislation and case-law of the United Kingdom and the European Union to protect employees from such discrimination. Please use OSCOLA for referencing The post Employment Law appeared first on assignmentbest . CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER………………………NO PLAGIARISM Get 100% Original papers from the writing experts CLICK HERE TO GET A PROFESSIONAL WRITER TO WORK ON THIS PAPER AND OTHER SIMILAR PAPERS, GET A NON PLAGIARIZED PAPER FROM OUR EXPERTS……

Celebrity, The aspect of Internet celebrity and aspect or feature of celebrity /celebrity studies

Are there any rules or boundaries? While we are keen to encourage independence and flexibility here, basic academic ground rules still apply: The essay must address a  topic or issue germane to this unit and its concerns (in other words, it needs to be on some  aspect or feature of celebrity /celebrity studies …don’t go writing an essay on quantum physics, unless it’s something like “Bad Romance: Quantum physics and the stardom of Lady Gaga”––in which case, we will be all ears!) It must be an  academic research essay (i.e. it has to be based on and informed by  scholarly research ) There is no prescribed number of  scholarly sources to be used because different projects will have different research needs but a general rule of thumb is that essays should include at least 4-6  scholarly sources You are of course free to use  non-scholarly sources as well but the essay needs to be fully grounded in  academic research Essays much show  manifest evidence of scholarly research, typica

Peer Assessment and self-reflection

Peer review each of your team members’ contribution to both the team dynamics and the report proposal – 500 -1000 words, 10 marks. (I have 3 Members of group use initial name such as Mr. A, Mr. B, Mr. C) 2. Submit a written self-reflection, on their experience of working in a team over the trimester using Tuckman’s model of group dynamics as the framework – 1500- 2000 words, 20 marks. MMM – 211 T3 2017 Assessment 3 – Peer assessment and self-reflection   DUE DATE AND TIME:                                    Due Week 11, February 2, 2018 by 11.59pm PERCENTAGE OF FINAL GRADE:        30% Learning Outcome Details Unit Learning Outcome (ULO) Graduate Learning Outcome (GLO) ULO 2: Utilising existing frameworks demonstrate an understanding of and distinguish between effective and ineffective team behaviour. ULO 3: Recognise and reflect on your team and your team members participation over the trimester. GLO6: Self management: Working and learning independently and taking

Explain the following concepts using the concept of consumer and producer surplus: Efficiency of Markets Costs of taxation Benefits of international trade

Question 1) Explain the following concepts using the concept of consumer and producer surplus: Efficiency of Markets Costs of taxation Benefits of international trade Using the concept of consumer and producer surplus 2) How might externalities may prevent market equilibrium and the various governments policies used to remedy the inefficiencies in markets caused by externalities 3) Analyze the difference between the efficiency of a tax system and the equity of a tax system as it refers to the costs imposed on taxpayers using the benefits principles . Assignment status :  Resolved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS   NO PLAGIARISM

The Constitution and Healthcare Which provisions in the Constitution give the federal government power to create, regulate, and mandate healthcare policies and according to whom?

DQ1 The Constitution and Healthcare Which provisions in the Constitution give the federal government power to create, regulate, and mandate healthcare policies and according to whom? Provide a news article or a congressional bill from the last four weeks to illustrate government actions in the policy area. Post by 11:55 pm Eastern Time on Friday, and provide substantive replies to your classmates by 11:55 pm Eastern Time on Sunday. Forum responses should be 300-500 words. Replies should be 150+ words. A 300-word post and 150-word replies are the minimum requirements to earn a grade of a "C" or higher, but they will not automatically result in an "A" for a grade. Review the rubric that's linked below for grading criteria before posting. DQ2 Constitutional Amendments Even though constitutional amendments are rare, there's often talk in America about changing the United States Constitution. Search recent news articles from the last two months an

Geopolitical and cultural conflicts in South Asia increasingly command the attention of the world.

Geopolitical and cultural conflicts in South Asia increasingly command the attention of the world. Tensions between India and Pakistan, and within both India and Pakistan are significantly dangerous. The recent conflict and violence against the Rohingya muslims in Myanmar killed hundreds of thousands, and many more had to scape into Bangladesh. Beside the four main religions, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, and Buddhism, several smaller philosophical and religious groups also add to the cultural diversity in South Asia. Cultural differences often are translated into geopolitical animosity which presents the danger of a possible nuclear war in the region. What role do you think the United States, as an ally and good friend with both countries, can play to reduce the geopolitical tension in the region? How can the United States help bring stability to the region? What are the positive and/or negative impacts of the United States' economic policies "outsourcing" in

Abortion & Egoism Choose one of the following topics to respond to for your initial post.

Abortion & Egoism Choose one of the following topics to respond to for your initial post. Indicate your last name and chosen topic in the title of your post. Contribute at least two peer responses to include a response to both: A learner who has posted a contrary view on the topic you selected A learner who has posted on the topic you did not select Requirements: Your initial post should be at least 250 words. Responses should be a minimum of 100 words and include direct questions. See the syllabus for assignment requirements and grading criteria, and be sure to list your source if you use one. Initial Post Due: Thursday, by 11:55 p.m., ET Responses Due: Sunday, by 11:55 p.m., ET Topic A: Abortion What do you think of the relation between the law and morality regarding abortion? Do you think that if abortion is immoral, it thus ought to be illegal, or if morally permissible then it ought to be for this reason legally permissible? Explain. Topic B: Egoism Psychol

Introductions Introduce yourself. Share where you work or plan to work after completing your program, your family, and any hobbies or special interests.

Introductions Introduce yourself. Share where you work or plan to work after completing your program, your family, and any hobbies or special interests. Also tell us why you are taking this course and what you hope to gain from obtaining your degree. In addition, please take a look at the course objectives in the syllabus and discuss the relevance to your career goals. Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 250 words. Please respond to at least 2 other students. Responses should be a minimum of 100 words and include direct questions. This forum submission serves as your official entry into the course. This Introduction Forum must be submitted the first week of the course, by 11:55 p.m., ET, on Sunday to maintain your registration in the course. Assignment status :  Resolved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS   NO PLAGIARISM

list the companies in which Berkshire Hathaway Inc. has significant common stock investments. And do you think that you yourself would recommend this portfolio of companies to an investing client of yours? Be sure that you explain your answer clearly and fully.

Question list the companies in which Berkshire Hathaway Inc . has significant common stock investments . And do you think that you yourself would recommend this portfolio of companies to an investing client of yours? Be sure that you explain your answer clearly and fully . 2 . what companies on the list should surprise you, based on Buffett's presentation in the first thirty-five minutes in the video at the University of Georgia? Do explain your answer . 3 . In the Letter to Shareholders for FY 2016, Warren Buffett referred to the ability of Berkshire Hathaway Energy (BHE) to service its debt under all circumstances . State clearly and fully what are the bases of this ability . Assignment status :  Resolved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS   NO PLAGIARISM

What factors influence the demand for wifi? What factors influence the supply of this product?

Question What factors influence the demand for wifi? What factors influence the supply of this product? How have these changes in supply and demand affected the equilibrium price of wifi? Do you anticipate any changes to the demand and/or supply for wifi in the near future? If so, what is driving these changes? Assignment status :  Resolved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS   NO PLAGIARISM

Given no payoff penalty not being required and based on the present value method, I would save (not much) on interest, after discounting the savings to its actual worth today, should I decide to pay off my car loan early.

Given no payoff penalty not being required and based on the present value method, I would save (not much) on interest, after discounting the savings to its actual worth today, should I decide to pay off my car loan early. Therefore, my rationale would be whether I have the extra cash to eliminate this type of loan early. Assist with response to discussion comment? Assignment status :  Resolved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS   NO PLAGIARISM

currency in circulation?

Question Question 1(Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)Which of the following is considered currency in circulation? The money in the vault at the Second Federal Bank The dime that you have in your piggy bank The interest owed on your credit card The balance on your lunch meal card The available credit on your credit card Question 2(Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)What is the effect on the money supply when you transfer money from your checking account to your savings account? Increase M1; decrease M2 Decrease M1; increase M2 No effect on M1; increase M2 No effect on M1; decrease M2 Decrease M1; no effect on M2 Question 3(Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)If you use money as a store of value, you would be buying a new pair of shoes . putting money in your college savings account . comparing tuition costs for Princeton and Yale . charging a new book on your credit card . withdrawing $500 from your checking account . Question 4(Multiple Choice Wor