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Showing posts from March, 2018

I need Essay Writers and Online Writing Services for an Urgent

Make your order at you need need Essay Writers and Online Writing Services for an Urgent When it comes to college essays, students are not only struggling and feeling the pressure to submit quality outputs but they may be busy with side hassles or too much pressure dealing with various assignments. They are also struggling and feeling the pressure to submit their output fast and on time. We at are here to assist you in such situations.      This is one reason why students are desperately seeking for a practical solution for a fast and timely output submission. Sadly, writing fast and submitting essays on time is hard for students. One, writing essays is a very demanding process as you are required to follow specific formats and guidelines, etc. This fact alone can make writing time-consuming. Two, not all students have the skills in writing, which makes submitting their output on time all the

United Healthcare, Vanguard, Banner Healthcare

Research a health care organization or a network that spans several states within the U.S. (Example: United Healthcare, Vanguard, Banner Healthcare, etc.). Harvard Business Review Online and Hoover's Company Records, found in the GCU Library, are useful sources. You may also find pertinent information on your organization's webpage. Review "Singapore Airlines Case Study." Prepare a 1,000-1250-word paper that focuses on the organization or network you have selected. Your essay should assess the readiness of the health care organization or network in addressing the health care needs of citizens in the next decade, and include a strategic plan that addresses issues pertaining to network growth, nurse staffing, resource management, and patient satisfaction. Provide a comparison to the health care organization or network and the Singapore Airlines. Include any cultural issues that may influence the practices listed above. Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidel

Natural Designs Inc. •Read the Natural Designs Inc. case study on page 26 of your textbook, and answer the four questions at the end.

Case Study: Natural Designs Inc. •Read the Natural Designs Inc. case study on page 26 of your textbook, and answer the four questions at the end. The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded: •Write between 750 – 1,250 words (approximately 3 – 5 pages) using Microsoft Word in APA style, see example below. •Use font size 12 and 1” margins. •Include cover page and reference page. •At least 80% of your paper must be original content/writing. •No more than 20% of your content/information may come from references. •Use at least three references from outside the course material, one reference must be from EBSCOhost. Text book, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the three reference requirement. •Cite all reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) in the paper and list on a reference page in APA style. References must come from sources such as, scholarly journals found in

concepts learned from this course that you think would be the most important for the success of a physician practice.

Specify two (2) concepts learned from this course that you think would be the most important for the success of a physician practice. Support your rationale. In your opinion, determine the most challenging aspect of a physician’s role as the administrator of a group practice. Justify your response. Assignment status :   Resolved by our Writing Team Source  GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING  EXPERTS CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT NO PLAGIARISM

External conflict takes place between characters or between a character and the outside world

Question description In this section you will be required to complete the following tasks: 1. Carefully read the stories and assignments outlined in The Readings folder. We will have quizzes and writing assignments based upon these assignments so take your time and take notes. A. For this section, please read the following stories in the course text The Story and Its Writer: An Introduction to Short Fiction Compact 9th Edition by Ann Charters ISBN-10: 1457665557 ISBN-13: 978-1457665554: Sherman Alexie’s biography and story, “The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven,” pg. 9 Toni Cade Bambara’s biography and story, “The Lesson,” p. 55 ZZ Packer’s biography and story, “Brownies,” pg. 740 John Updike’s biography and story, “A&P” p. 831 2. Watch the interview with author, Sherman Alexie, using the web link provided. 3. Complete the quizzes on the required readings. You will only have 15 minutes to complete the assignment, so please be familiar with the

Line: Describe what kind of lines are in the artwork (vertical, horizontal, diagonal, thick, thin, etc.). What do the lines do? Do they lead your eye to something?

you will be adding descriptions of the visual elements you observe in the artworks you placed in your art gallery. The purpose of this unit assignment is to demonstrate that you can apply what you learned about visual elements to your gallery artworks.   Begin by reviewing your Unit II feedback and making any necessary revisions.   Place one Visual Elements slide directly after the artwork it describes.   Next, research the elements using Chapter 3 of your textbook.  Make sure you describe all of the visual elements from Chapter 3 using complete sentences. Questions to consider are included below: o Line: Describe what kind of lines are in the artwork (vertical, horizontal, diagonal, thick, thin, etc.). What do the lines do? Do they lead your eye to something?  o Shape: Describe what kind of shapes are in the artwork and where they appear. Are there circular shapes in clouds, rectangular shapes in buildings? o Light: Where is the light coming from

Human Conflict - the nature and causes thereof.

Course Project Overview It's time to submit the Final Draft of your Course Project. Please take a moment to go back to Module 2 and review the instructions for the project and to make certain you have met all of the requirements. Use attachments to complete this assignment. Must be 6 to 8 pages in length, plus cover page and referenc page. The course project requires you to research and write an analytical paper comparing and contrasting the political views of two philosophers on one of the following areas: Human Conflict - the nature and causes thereof. The best or best possible cooperative social arrangements, capable of resolving or diminishing society's common problems. The moral foundations of political legitimacy (what is the good state). Who should govern - one, few, or many? Within your paper discuss how the views of your two chosen philosophers on the one chosen political issue relate to that same political issue today. Share your own

Social Equity as the Fourth Pillar of Public Administration, Access to Affordable Housing for Disadvantaged Populations

Social Equity as the Fourth Pillar of Public Administration, Access to Affordable Housing for Disadvantaged Populations Instructions Please read the attachment; this is text from the textbook. Also, add about two more sources. 2 to 3 paragraphs discussing the relevant course and current external research (and past where relevant) 1 paragraph for lessons-learned related to the relationship between government organizations and the minority populations that they serve. Assignment status :   Resolved by our Writing Team Source  GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING  EXPERTS CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT NO PLAGIARISM

To research, and discover credible reliable information and be able to ascertain the truth and not be manipulated or persuaded without being educated.

POLITICAL RESEARCH PAPER 2 The Issue: To research, and discover credible reliable information and be able to ascertain the truth and not be manipulated or persuaded without being educated.  Research: Research ALL the following sections. Please refer to the syllabus for all requirements, formats, and due date.  Analysis: Please research, site examples and analyze all sections by using multiple political sources from different political perspectives. The more thorough the research paper, the better chance of receiving a higher grade.  Section 1: Find out who your politicians are based on your domicile and Discuss your Local, State and Federal Politicians. (( I live in Fresno County, District 2, California)) Section 2: Discuss Executive Orders Section 3: Discuss Judges (Federal and State) and judicial activism vs. judicial restraint Section 4: Discuss one example of abuse of power. Section 5: a. fisa warrant / dossier / FBI / email scandal b. agenda 21 c. Bengha

Supply Chain Management and Project management

OPS 909 – TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT   ASSESSMENT 1 OUTLINE   How would you implement a quality management system complying with ISO 9001?   You have been appointed as the Quality Manager of a company of your choosing and have been asked to implement a quality management system into the company.   You must choose a specific industry and show how you could apply the requirements of ISO 9001 to establish a quality management system in that industry in your home country.   Your answer must show that you understand the application of the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard.  It must include any aspects of change management that would be necessary to implement the program and must be supported by literature references.   Your report must include the steps that you would take to implement the system.  You have been given 6 months to implement the system.  Your report MUST include a Gantt chart setting out the activities that you would undertake and the order and timing in which y

What are the changes to the balance sheet, income statement, job costledger, and equipment ledger as a result of all of these invoices?

The following invoices are being entered into the accounting system. Usingthe chart of accounts in Figure 2-1, determine the changes to the balancesheet, income statement, job cost ledger, and equipment ledger as the resultof entering each of the following invoices:a. A $5,000 invoice for concrete charged to job cost code 302.01.02620M.b. A $12,350 invoice from a subcontractor for plumbing charged to jobcost code 309.02.15100S. Ten percent retention is withheld from theinvoice.c. A $255 phone bill charged to job cost code 315.01.01800O.d. A $1,352 bill for office rent.e. A $112 invoice for office supplies.f. A $375 invoice for repairs to Backhoe 2.g. A $563 invoice for nails. The nails will be placed in inventory until theyare needed on the jobs, at which time they will be billed to the jobs.What are the changes to the balance sheet, income statement, job costledger, and equipment ledger as a result of all of these invoices? The post What are the changes to the balance sheet, income s

What happens to the organization when its ethics code fails to achieve ethical behavior within the organization?

Does having a code of ethics guarantee ethical behavior within an organization? Why or why not? What happens to the organization when its ethics code fails to achieve ethical behavior within the organization? The post What happens to the organization when its ethics code fails to achieve ethical behavior within the organization? appeared first on assignmentbest . CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER………………………NO PLAGIARISM Get 100% Original papers from the writing experts CLICK HERE TO GET A PROFESSIONAL WRITER TO WORK ON THIS PAPER AND OTHER SIMILAR PAPERS, GET A NON PLAGIARIZED PAPER FROM OUR EXPERTS……

Public Health and the Role of Government in Health Care

Public health efforts and those of private medicine complement each other and together serve the spectrum of health service needs of American society. Why, then, has their relationship been so contentious? The Institute of Medicine report of 1999 cites two major studies that establish medical errors as one of the leading causes of death and disability in the United States. Should the federal government take the necessary steps to monitor the status of this high-risk situation, as it does with other epidemics, or should the government continue to trust the providers of health care to deal forthrightly with the problem? Analyze why legislative attempts to address only one of the trio of rising costs, lack of universal access, or variable quality of health care only worsens the remaining two. The post Public Health and the Role of Government in Health Care appeared first on assignmentbest . CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER………………………NO PLAGIARISM Get 100% Original papers from the writ

Analyses of Social Problems in Case Studies

As a social worker, often you need to use your policy advocacy skills to ensure that your clients are receiving the services that they need. Although you may tend to think of policy advocacy skills as separate from your clinical social work skills, they are very similar. Think of the skills that you would use in working with a client such as Jake Levy. How could you apply these skills to policy advocacy? How will you use these skills to identify the policy and social problems that are impacting these families? In this week’s Discussion, you will continue to follow the Levy, Bradley, Petrakis, and Cortez families to start the process of policy advocacy. In this Discussion, select one of the four integrated videos and identify the problems experienced by the client(s). By Day 3 Post your responses to the following: Who is defining the problem? What values are reflected in this definition of the problem? What is being omitted in this definition? What other problems do you see that

1 part)At the end of 2016, the following information is available for ABC Company and XYZ…

part)At the end of 2016, the following information is available for ABC Company and XYZ Company:Statement DataABCXYZTotal Assets$ 2,000,000$ 1,600,000Total Liabilities1,200,0001,200,000Owners’ Equity800,000400,000Net Income120,00080,000Required:1) For each company, calculate the debt to assets ratio and the return on equity ratio.2) For each company, calculate the return on assets ratio.3) Which company had a greater level of debt risk? Why?4) What is financial leverage? Which company is using financial leverage more successfully?2 part)Record the general journal entries for the following transactions for Stuart Corporation for 2016.1) Performed services for $26,000 cash.2) Purchased $800 of office supplies on account.3) Purchased land for $95,000 cash.4) Paid salary expense of $16,500.5) Paid for $600 of the supplies purchased in event 2.6) Collected $15,000 in advance for services to be provided over the next 12 months.7) Recognized $10,000 of revenue on the contract from event 6.8)

Supply Chain Management and Project management

OPS 909 – TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT   ASSESSMENT 1 OUTLINE   How would you implement a quality management system complying with ISO 9001?   You have been appointed as the Quality Manager of a company of your choosing and have been asked to implement a quality management system into the company.   You must choose a specific industry and show how you could apply the requirements of ISO 9001 to establish a quality management system in that industry in your home country.   Your answer must show that you understand the application of the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard.  It must include any aspects of change management that would be necessary to implement the program and must be supported by literature references.   Your report must include the steps that you would take to implement the system.  You have been given 6 months to implement the system.  Your report MUST include a Gantt chart setting out the activities that you would undertake and the order and timing in which y

NSG2EHP – Education for Health Professional Practice

NSG2EHP – Education for Health Professional Practice Assessment 1 Guidelines Due date: Monday 19 March, 2018 at 0900hrs. Word limit: 1,000 words +- 10% (excluding reference list) Weighting: 30% Title: Report of relevant theories and strategies for a specific client/colleague and context Rationale: It is important to understand how appropriate teaching and learning theories and strategies may change across different topics, clients and learning environments. Task: Discuss the most appropriate teaching and learning theories and strategies for teaching a specific client or colleague. Instructions: • Select a topic from the health education topics list (below). • Describe the significance of the specific client/colleague (e.g., age, SES, language background, year level, profession etc.) and teaching context. • Discuss which teaching and learning theories you think would be relevant to your chosen health education topic, client and teaching context. • Justify why you consider yo

Assessment 3: Practical- Evaluate marketing opportunities

Assessment 3: Practical- Evaluate marketing opportunities Unit and Assessment Details Assessment Title Practical- Evaluate marketing opportunities Unit/Cluster Code BSBMKG501 Unit/Cluster Title Identify and Evaluate Marketing Opportunities Course Code Title BSB50215 Diploma of Business Assessor Name Amelia Bailey Assessment Date/Due Date Refer to Unit Outline Assessment Instructions for Students 1. This assessment involves two (2) tasks. 2. This assessment is to be completed over a period of last six (6) sessions in business/classroom environment. 3. If you require any clarification or support to complete this assessment, ask your assessor. 4. For a satisfactory result in this assessment, you must successfully complete ALL tasks to a satisfactory standard. 5. Your assessor will assess you individually for each assessment task in this assessment. Plagiarism, collusion and cheating are strictly prohibited [see NIT Student Handbook Section 13.10]. 6. Support is available for

Describe two common microorganisms, fungal infections and viral infections that can cause wounds:

Describe two common microorganisms, fungal infections and viral infections that can cause wounds: (NB, this question is not asking for microorganisms, funguses or viruses that can infect existing wounds, only how each of these can lead to new wounds) Cause Description Common bacterial infections _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Common fungal infections _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Common viral infections _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Answer in a separate documents and attached it to the submission space provided below: The following are clinical manifestations of arterial or venous ulcers. Match the signs and symptoms to the correct ulcer type by writing a V for venous or A for arterial Skin may look shiny and feel tight to touch Select one: a. A b. V Question 3 Question text Oft

The Commonwealth Government of Australia is launching ‘My Health Record’ a secure online summary of an individual’s health information.

The Commonwealth Government of Australia is launching ‘My Health Record’ a secure online summary of an individual’s health information. Available to all Australians, My Health Record is an electronic summary of an individual’s key health information, drawn from their existing records and is designed to be integrated into existing local clinical systems. The ‘My Health Record’ is driven by the need for the Health Industry to continue a process of reform to drive efficiencies into the health care system, improve the quality of patient care, whilst reducing several issues that were apparent from the lack of important information that is shared about patients e.g. reducing the rate of hospital admissions due to issues with prescribed medications. This reform is critical to address the escalating costs of healthcare that become unsustainable in the medium to long term. Individuals will control what goes into their My Health Record, and who is allowed to access it. An individual’s My Heal

Nursing reflection

741582 The post Nursing reflection appeared first on assignmentbest . CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER………………………NO PLAGIARISM Get 100% Original papers from the writing experts CLICK HERE TO GET A PROFESSIONAL WRITER TO WORK ON THIS PAPER AND OTHER SIMILAR PAPERS, GET A NON PLAGIARIZED PAPER FROM OUR EXPERTS……

Generationg innovation and creativity

Assessment task 1 – Written assignment (Group – Max 3) ‘Generating Innovation and Creativity’: Guidelines: This assignment should be written using single-space Arial 11, and it should be minimum 3000 words (check your word count). Maximum 3 people in the group. This assignment should include an Introduction section at the beginning and conclusions at the end, these two sections should come from you, not from a textbook or online. There should be a table of contents. Please read below and address all the questions formulated. Make sure you provide examples and a critical view of what you think about it. Bring in previous experiences from your studies or workplace if necessary. You need to use the Harvard Referencing System (HRS), if you are not familiar with it, please visit this website: Use a minimum of 5 references including two books, the rest can be from websites. This assignment will help you understand the different step

You are to develop at least two different initial concept designs that would meet the requirements of the Local Farm Shop. These designs will be wireframe only designs at this stage.

ask Overview You are to develop at least two different initial concept designs that would meet the requirements of the Local Farm Shop. These designs will be wireframe only designs at this stage. The Local Farm Shop case study is located in Interact Resources. You need to read this case study before starting this assessment item. You will prepare a presentation for the Local Farm Shop to display your concepts as well as discuss both concepts and the recommended design. Your Task: • Sketch two (2) alternative interface designs for the Local Farm Shop problem. These designs should be for a web page as viewed on a standard 60cm (24 inch) PC monitor with a suitable screen resolution. It is recommended that you use the Balsamiq Mockups or other wireframe tool for these concept designs. (60 marks) • As part of your presentation, you should indicate why these designs are a good solution for the Mountain Artists Cooperative. The presentation should recommend one of your designs for furt