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Assessment item 3 Addendum to report on the 7 Eleven case

Assessment item 3 Addendum to report on the 7 Eleven case Value: 35% Due date: 09-Oct-2017 Return date: 30-Oct-2017 Length: 1,400 words -1+ 10% Submission method options Alternative submission method Task This assessment extends the analysis that you completed in Assessment 2. You are asked to discuss the implications of the7 Eleven inquiry report for non-union forms of employee representation and bargaining structures in the Australian ER system. Turn your mind to the following questions: 1. To what extent would non-union forms of employee representation and voice alleviate the issues raised in the case? Support your answer with evidence relating to non-union representation. 2. What changes to bargaining structures in the retail industry do you believe are appropriate to avoid the issues that arose in the 7 Eleven case. Support your answer with reference to relevant evidence regarding the effectiveness of bargaining structures in Australia. You may introduce overseas examp

Critical Analysis of Leadership

Assessment item 3 Critical Analysis of Leadership Value: 40% Due date: 09-Oct-2017 Return date: 30-Oct-2017 Length: 3000-3500 words Submission method options Alternative submission method Task You will need to complete the following project on leadership that assesses leaders in a work-related environment. This project focuses on critical analysis of leaders’ approaches to their leadership in a work-related environment and provides recommendations on how to sustain or improve leadership effectiveness. Identify three ‘interviews’ or biographical accounts of Australian CEOs, business or third sector leaders from the Australian news media, a professional management journal or management-related magazine. Justify your selection. Analyse these cases, and from a critical perspective, compare and contrast: a) the ways in which each leader is constructed as a leader by the accounts; b) how the leaders describe their conceptualisation of leadership; c) how each leader conceptuali

Trends and Challenges of IHRM for MNCs

Assessment item 3: Report (50%): Trends and Challenges of IHRM for MNCs Due date: 9th October 2017 (Monday), via turnitin by 12 midnite. Word doc. only Length: 2500 words (+/-10%) (only from introduction to conclusion included in word count) Task Task Assume that you work in a multinational corporation (MNC). As the Head of HR you have been given the task to prepare a Business Report to critically review and evaluate the current trends and challenges affecting HRM internationally. You have to critically analyse how these challenges impact on the future HRM practices for your MNC. In answering this question you will need to: • Identify three key trends and challenges for international HRM (e.g. technology, education, mobility, health and safety,etc.). • Analyse how these three trends and challenges impact upon, and affect the HRM practices for an MNC. • Support your discussion with at least 12 academic references. Business Report Format Cover Page (student name, Id, report ti

presentation At all times, the workbook was clearly structured, logical, and understandable with references.

riteria High Distinction 80% – Distinction 70%- 79% Credit 60-69% Pass 50-59% Fail 0-49% Written presentation At all times, the workbook was clearly structured, logical, and understandable with references. At all times, the workbook was clearly structured, logical, and understandable. Most of the time, the workbook was clearly structured, logical, and understandable. Some of the time, the workbook was clearly structured, logical, and understandable. At no times was the workbook clearly structured, logical, and understandable. Identify the issues of the problem All of the issues are clearly and accurately detailed with reference to cases with similar facts. All of the issues are clearly and accurately detailed. All of the issues are clearly and accurately summarised. Some of the issues are clearly and accurately outlined in brief. The issues are not clearly or accurately outlined. Explain the relevant law relating to the problem All of the relevant law is clearly and accurat

To understand why business needs to consider diversity and conflict in their business Information:

Assessment task 2: Critical Analysis Essay Worth 30% Due date: 29 September 2017 5 pm Length and/or format: 1500 words Purpose: To understand why business needs to consider diversity and conflict in their business Information: Most people have some type of hidden bias, according to the SHRM (2017). Rock & Halverson (as cited in SHRM, 2017) say that such biases often surface in the workplace when people are drawn to others who share the same hobbies or pursuits, creating an affinity bias that can affect resume-screening and career advancement. Whatever shape bias takes, it erodes productivity and engagement. In their study, Honesty and Maxfield found that 66 percent of the people they spoke with said the biased treatment they experienced had a large impact on their morale, motivation, commitment, and desire to advance in the organization. Topic: Diversity in leadership within a firm allows managers to bring in new skills and methods for achieving unity within their teams and d

Please also note that for topic 8 you are required to use a comparator.

Please also note that for topic 8 you are required to use a comparator. Topic 8 and 15 requirements: November 2017 (Period 35) and May 2018 (Period 36) All students submitting a project on topic 8 or topic 15 in November 2017 or May 2018 MUST use sector specific organisations, based on the Industry Classification Benchmark (ICB): For period 35 and 36 these sectors are:- 2713 Aerospace Manufacturers, assemblers and distributors of aircraft and aircraft parts primarily used in commercial or private air transport. Excludes manufacturers of communications satellites, which are classified under Telecommunications Equipment. 3577 Food Products Food producers, including meatpacking, snacks, fruits, vegetables, dairy products and frozen seafood. Includes producers of pet food and manufacturers of dietary supplements, vitamins and related items. Excludes producers of fruit juices, tea, coffee, bottled water and other non-alcoholic beverages, which are classified un

HI 6005: Management and Organisations in a Global Environment

Holmes Institute MBA Program HI 6005: Management and Organisations in a Global Environment The final report on your topic will be written up as a seminar report (worth 15%) and submitted to your lecturer by the end of the semester. You may incorporate ideas generated in the live presentation. The written report should begin with the broad research topic which is followed by each individual component identified by the Individual student who prepared It. Organisation of the research report A key ingredient to writing a successful report involves the planning or organising stage. Organising can help you to sort out your ideas and to present your report in the order that communicates best to your readers. Organisation is the procedure of constructing an outline that acts as a plan for your writing task. An outline forces you to think before you write. Your essay is to be structured and written as a business report. It, therefore, must begin with a Management (or Executive) Summary wit