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APA referencing and in text style should be within 5years 6 referencing in alphatical order

2. APA referencing and in text style should be within 5years 6 referencing in alphatical order 3. My speciality is Mental health so everything should refer to mental health and remember to us the Mental Health ACT and have attachment 2 doucments • Explain more about the assessment Please read its carefully. • Its a folder contains information of mental health Acts and more information please read • Appendices, and Marking Rubric on here and referencing lists on here as well This is my question need to be answer. What are the knowledge and skills required by a registered nurse when working with people who are involuntary under the mental health act? APPENDICES Assessment Task 1- Professional Portfolio You will be required to identify a nursing problem or issue that relates to the specialty area of practice in which you are completing your clinical placement for this unit. Once you have identified a nursing problem/issue you will need to develop this into a question for explora

Assessment Task Two: EXCEL Problem Set

Assessment Task Two: EXCEL Problem Set This is an individual assignment enabling students to demonstrate their understanding of mathematics and statistics as well as their ability to use commercially available statistics software. All problems are drawn from Croucher, Introductory Mathematics and Statistics, 6th Ed. (and 6th Ed. Revised), and are to be completed using EXCEL software. Problems Assigned: Chapter 1, Exercises 1.9, page 35, and 1.47 and 1.48, page 37. Chapter 9, Exercise 9.46, page 218. Chapter 11, Exercise 11.27, page 294. Chapter 13, Exercise 13.17, page 368. Chapter 16, Exercise 16.65, page 495. Chapter 17, Exercise 17.46, page 528. Due date: 20 October 2017 CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER………………………NO PLAGIARISM Get 100% Original papers from the writing experts CLICK HERE TO GET A PROFESSIONAL WRITER TO WORK ON THIS PAPER AND OTHER SIMILAR PAPERS, GET A NON PLAGIARIZED PAPER FROM OUR EXPERTS……

vodafone AU

vodafone AU 4G 1:49 am Case Study B On 1 July 2017, Westland Limited an Australian company acquired the issued shares of Bull Limited a company incorporated in the United States. The draft statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income and statement of financial position of Bull Ltd at 30 June 2018 was as follows: Sales revenues US$ US$ Cost of sales: 1 600 000 Opening inventories 140 000 Purchases 840 000 980 000 700 000 000 Closing inventories 280 Gross profit 900 000 Expenses: 000 360 000 Depreciation 90 000 Other 270 Profit before income tax 540 000 200 000 Income tax expense Profit 340 000 200 000 Retained earnings as at 1 July 2017 540 000 Dividend paid 120 000 320 000 000 200 Dividend declared Retained earnings as at 30 June 2018 2200 0° 2018 2017 US$ US$ Current assets: 280 000 140 000 Inventories Accounts receivable Cash 20 000 130 000 20 000 570 000 Total current assets 320 000 840 000 Non-current assets: Paten

Assessment 2: Assessment (Report)

Assessment 2: Assessment (Report) Assessment Overview: For this assessment you are required to research a nominated business topic using Survey Monkey and then write a business report. You will be responsible for presenting your report to the class on a nominated date. Assignment instructions: 1. You will research target market users of Billabong to determine the demand and preference for their products 2. Draft 10 research questions and sending the survey to participants. 3. Create the survey instrument using Survey Monkey and conduct the research. 4. While waiting for participants to complete the survey, research business report writing formats. 5. Once you have at least 30 responses, write the report in business report format as detailed below. Assignment requirements: • You must include a minimum of 5 Journals, which you will refer to in the body of your report and have listed in your end text reference list. Referencing must be in the correct format using the APA format

Instructions: Assignment No.3 2.5.3 Analyse energy efficiency in a given set up (1 x report)

Instructions: Assignment No.3 2.5.3 Analyse energy efficiency in a given set up (1 x report) Type of Collaboration: Individual Due: 22 October 2017 11:59 PM Submission: Turntin Format: A report with explanation of all steps and screen shots of data entry and outputs. See instruction below. You should submit the report through Turnitin and obtain an originality report and attach a copy of the originality report with the hard copy. Length: 2,000 to 3,000 words Curriculum Mode: Report Q1. Please consider a place familiar to you so you can collect data reliably. This could be your office, home or apartment or room you are living in and perform these steps before starting to write the report. a) List all the means by which the place you considered uses the energy b) Identify two appliances which consume the most energy. Identify all relevant information regarding the products (energy use, alternatives, efficiency, frequency, cost). All answers from now onwards address the two appl

ICT301 Advanced Network Topics, Management & Security

ICT301 Advanced Network Topics, Management & Security ATMC Task 2 Semester 2, 2017 Assessment and Submission Details Marks: 35% of the Total Assessment for the Course Due Date: 9:00am Friday, Week 12 This assignment should be submitted using Blackboard. The submission link will be open a week before the due date. Please follow the submission instructions in Blackboard. The assignment will be marked out of a total of 100 marks and forms 35% of the total assessment for the course. Once marked, ALL assignments will be checked for plagiarism and/or collusion between individuals. Refer to your Course Outline or the Course Web Site for a copy of the “Student Misconduct, Plagiarism and Collusion” guidelines. Note: Each student MUST retain a copy of the assignment and this copy MUST be produced within 24 hours of it being requested by the Course Co-ordinator. Failure to produce the second copy of the assignment when requested may result in loss of marks or a fail grade for the a

Task description

Task description This assignment will consist of a research proposal. Taking the topic you have chosen, and using our feedback, revise what you have written for the Assessment 1 & 2 using the following structure: 1. An introduction consisting of a description of your research topic and research statement (in total no more than 3-4 sentences) 2. A set of research aims (1) objectives (2-5 in bullet points ) (should be no more than half a page 3. A description of the literature (rewritten from your literature review, if necessary, and précised into half a page) 4. A methodology section (about 5 pages, including): a. Method chosen and why b. Participants (who, where) c. Sample size and sampling frame (how many, justification) d. The type of data analysis needed 5. Discussion of the ethical issues involved and how you will deal with them 6. Timeline for the research (1/2 page) 7. What kind of stakeholder, community participation you will undertake (1/2 page) 8. Disseminati